Chapter 15

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*Third person P.O.V*
A couple weeks later, all the sides agreed to finally join the castles again. The castles merged and the couples all got rooms together. The new castle looked amazing, it had designs along the sides that stood for each side.
"Woah, it's beautiful." Virgil said, staring in awe.
"It really is, but not as beautiful as you~" Roman purred.
"Nope, I'm not doing this today." Virgil sighed, walking away as a blushing mess. The others laughed as they took in the sight.
"Well, should we go inside?" Patton asked.
"Hell yeah!" Remi cheered.
"Language!" Patton and Logan said sternly.
"I think thats why everyone calls you our mom and dad." Remus chuckled, giving Dee a high-five. Emile just sighed, trying to stifle a laugh.
"Well come on! Let's check it out!" Roman called out, excited.
The group went inside behind him, looking around their new home.
*Patton's P.O.V (a couple hours later)*
"Hey kiddos, dinners ready!" I called through the house.
"Thank god, I'm starving!" Virgil said, running down the stairs.
As we all sat at the dinner table, I took in the sights. Everyone was having fun together, laughing and telling jokes. We were all a family again.
I'm so glad we're all together again...
I love my family.

Authors last note: Hey peeps, thanks for reading through this story, I really hope you liked it. I know this last chapter was short, but I couldn't keep dragging it on. I can't believe it's already over. If you guys want more stories, comment what else you would like me to write. I can write about Yu-gi-oh, Sanders Sides, Voltron, Ouran Host Club, Ace Attorney, other stuff. Whatever. It's 9:47, I'm kinda tired and I need slep. So comment what I should write next. Or If you want me to create a story of my own, I at least ask you for a plot and a couple characters. Love you guys, Byeeeeee <3

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