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WARNING: This chapter contains self-harm, veiwer disgression is advised.

*Virgils P.O.V (five minutes before Roman comes)*
Ugh, my nap didn't help anything. Why did everything have to go wrong today?! What if everything we were told was a lie?! What if Thomas's boyfriend left us because we weren't good enough?! What if Joan really doesn't care and just made an excuse?! Nothing is going right and now I'm just gonna have another panic attack!
    I then look over to my desk, there's a pencil sharpener... maybe just this once? I take out the cold blade and roll up my sleeve.
I press the blade against my pale skin, that wasn't too bad. I do it again, it hurt a little more, I need to stay quiet though.
"J-just one more." I whisper to myself, feeling myself tear up. I was about to make another cut until *knock knock*
    "Oh shit! Someone's at the door!" I thought, I stayed as silent as I could. Whoever was at the door was whispering to himself, it kinda sounded like... "Roman?! Oh hell no! I can't have my crush see me like this. What do I do???"
"Uh Virge? If your awake, I'm just coming in to check on you." I hear him say "W-what do I do?! I c-can't move!" My thoughts were racing. I was in the middle of cutting myself, I was frozen in place, and Roman was about to open the door, I'm royally screwed! (Pun Intended)
"No response, I guess I'll go in" He says to himself. "God damnit, Roman!" *creeeaaaak* "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shiiiiit! Nice goin-"
"V-virgil?!" He stands, frozen in place, just like me.
"Uuh, hey R-roman..." I greet him awkwardly. He stares for a little longer, he looked like his feet were glued to the floor. The door closed behind him and he snapped out of his 'trance'.
"W-wait, Virgil! What are you doing?!" I jumped.
"O-oh, I guess I'm not stuck anymore, hehe..."
"Don't try to change the subject, you know what you're doing!" He sees the look of panic on my face and covers his mouth, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell... I know that triggers panic attacks, I just-" He pauses, "Just let me help you."
"W-why would y-you help me? I d-didn't think you c-cared." Why am I stuttering so much? He looked at me like he didn't believe it, "Oh n-no, that's not what I m-meant. You're a good person b-but, I ... I really don't matter that m-much."
"Virge..." He started, "You think you don't matter to me?..."
I dropped the blade and looked at him. "W-well..."
Virgil! You mean so much to me!" He tells me as he runs to me and gives me a hug, "You mean the world to me..." I feel tears well up in my eyes, did he really mean that? I relax into his warm embrace and feel tears roll down my cheeks.
"R-ro... *sniff* I-I..."
"Shh, your alright." He started rubbing my back, trying to calm me down. I cried over his shoulder, holding him as tightly as I could, I never thought he would ever be this close to me. This is a dream come true...

*Romans P.O.V*
I comfort Virgil as much as I can, he hugged me tightly. I think he just felt like an outcast, you know?... the whole Remus thing probably didn't help either.
    Virgil kinda just appeared one day, I was just surprised, I didn't want Virge to think I hated him. To be honest... he's kinda cute, I don't think he'd like me back though. My thoughts stop all of sudden when he completely falls into me,
"Ro, I don't... I don't feel g-good.." "Crap! I forgot his cuts were still bleeding out! I think a few old ones reopened too!" My mind was racing, I picked up Virgil and set him on his bed. I grab a glass of water off his desk and hand it to him.
"I'll be right back Virge, don't worry!" I say as I run downstairs. I soon come back to Virgil's room with two bottles of water. He takes a couple sips as I start wrapping his cuts.

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