Chapter 12

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(Recap of last chapter)
Virgil then felt someone grab the collar of his hoodie.
"I asked you a question, and your gonna answer."

(And now...)
*Virgil's P.O.V*
"I'm screwed..." I thought as Deceit spun me around to face him. He gave me a deadly glare as he opened his mouth to speak again.
    "Are you gonna answer or are you gonna sit there and start crying like a child!"
    "I-I..." I started shaking. Trying to speak clearly, I took a breath, "I'm officially getting out of this dump! A-and I'm not coming back, s-so don't try anything!"
    He laughed, trapping me against the wall,
    "You think I'm dumb enough to let you leave?..." His breath smelled like a gross late night bar.
    "I-I know you aren't dumb, but you can b-be a nice guy Dee. You c-can just let me go a-and I-"
    I dropped the box and held my left cheek as tears streamed down my face. There was more than just fear on my mind now... this was war. I looked up the stairs and saw Remus, horrified. He gave a reassuring smile and got his phone, showing me he was trying to get a hold of Roman, but he knew not to get in the middle of this feud alone.
    "Don't call me nice! I've ALWAYS been the bad guy! You're not leaving no matter what you think!" He hollered. I was shaking furiously now, still crying, still more anxious than ever.
    "Y-y-your not the b-bad guy... you n-never were." I whispered through tears, "I know your n-not, Dee... we u-used to be such g-good friends. Remember?"
    "I..." He looked down before furring his eyebrows again, "NO! Ssstop trying to poison my mind!"
    "Agh! S-stop it!" I cried as he shoved me into the wall. I thought he was done... he has to be... he got all his anger out... right? Wrong. This was worse than all the years in this damned house. I screamed in pain as he used almost all his might to punch me in the face. I tried to go to the door but bumped into something. No, someone. "White suit... red shash... ROMAN!" I thought as I held onto him and cried into his chest, he wrapped his arms around me, comforting me.
    "What?!" Deceit yelled, "What are you doing here?! Agh!" Remus held Deceit back, trying to calm his anger. I continued to cry into Roman as he thanked Remus for all the help and picked up the box I dropped. He had me hold it as he picked me up 'bridal style' and left. Soon after, we heard yelling. I hope Remus makes it out of that fight alive. As we went back, my crying slowed down but my breathing didn't. I still refused to look up at Roman, I didn't want him to see the bruises that I knew were probably all over my face.
    We eventually made it to our (Roman's) room without the others seeing. I didn't want them to worry too. Roman set the box on the floor and gently tried to set me on the bed, but I wouldn't let go of him. He sighed and pulled me onto his lap, getting my blanket and wrapping it around me.
    "It's okay Virgil, I'm here, Deceits gone." I flinched at hearing his name. Roman kept whispering to comfort me, I stopped crying and my breathing eventually slowed. The two of us stayed silent for a couple of minutes, just cuddling. After a while, Roman broke the silence and said,
    "Virge," He said quietly, getting my attention, "Are you alright?" I slowly shook my head 'yes.' "Are you sure?" I stopped for a second, he needs to know the truth. I shook my head 'no.' He kissed the top of my head before saying,
    "Can you talk to me?" I spoke by shaking my head 'no.' He sighed, and I could swear he was about to cry, I felt bad. Roman shouldn't have to suffer for my overreaction.
    "Will you at least look at me? Your honestly starting to scare me Virgil." I thought for a moment before quietly mumbling,
    "Do you promise not to freak out?"
    "Of course." I took a breath and picked my head up a bit. "C'mon Virge." He joked, trying to lighten the mood as he took my hood off. I moved my face up a but more, I wanted to see his dorky smile again. Instead I got a gasp and a worried look.
    "Virgil." He paused, "Doesn't that hurt?" I looked at him, confused. I then saw a line a blood on his shirt, "Was that from me?!" I touched my cheek where I was slapped and, just as I guessed, there was still some blood.
    "Come here, I'll clean you up a bit." Roman told me as he helped me up and walked me to the bathroom (it's connected to the bedroom).
I looked in the mirror and stepped back at what I saw, I had a black eye on the right side and a scratch on my left cheek.
    "It's alright, it doesn't look too bad." He assured me as he grabbed something out of the cabinet. "This may sting a little." Roman told me as he got a q-tip with disinfectant on it. He traced my cut with it, I hissed a bit at the feeling. When he stopped, Roman threw it away and put a bandage over it.
    "I'll get you some ice for your eye, I can't do much." He smiled. I returned the smile and held his hand, "Do you wanna come with me?" He asked. I shook my head as we started to go downstairs. When we saw the coast was clear, we continued to the kitchen.
    I leaned against the counter as Roman got a small bag and went into the freezer for some ice. Roman tried to start a conversation, I ended up having a conversation for the first time in the past hour. I saw him smile the more I spoke, making me feel a lot better. I was about to say something until we heard footsteps. I pulled my hood back up and buried my head in Romans shoulder from behind, he was warm.
*Roman's P.O.V*
    Virgil stood behind me, trying to hide his face in my shoulder as someone came down the stairs.
    "Oh, heya kiddos!" Patton said, sounding surprised.
    "Hey Pat."
    "Hey dad." Virgil mumbled from my shoulder. Patton gave us a strange look.
    "Are you okay, Virgil?" He asked.
    "Yeah," Virge paused, "Just tired."
    "...I don't buy it."
    "What?" I questioned.
    "I said I don't believe you guys. C'mon, what's up?"
    "Like Virgil said, he's tired." I tried to get away with it, though I'm not sure how this will end.
    "Then why is there a bag of ice behind you?" Another voice asked. I snapped my head to the direction of the voice. It was Logan, sitting on the couch. Yeah... so the coast wasn't clear, but he was asleep when we came down.
    "Wait, what ice?" Patton asked, looking behind me and Virge, "Roman, what's going on?... Virgil?"
     The moment Pat questioned Virgil, I felt him start to shake. Those two were on to us. Virgil shifted and moved his head to my chest, wrapping his arms around my neck. I held him close to me, making sure the others didn't come too close.
    "Virgil, tell me what's wrong kiddo. Please?" Patton asked, stepping closer. I felt Virgil start shaking a little, he's still on edge from earlier.
    "Pat, step back."
    "Well Roman, Patton is not stepping back because you two are being suspicious. Just tell us the problem." Logan chimed in.
    "I-um... give me a second." I paused to whisper to Virgil. We eventually decided to tell them what happened. "Okay, go to the living room. We're gonna tell you what happened, I just need Virgil to calm down a bit." I sighed.
    "Alright..." Logan said, unsure. Patton held his hand and went to sit on the couch with him. Virgil kept his face hidden while we walked over.
Authors Note: Um, I didn't want this to go on too long so... go read the next chapter to find out what happens. Byeeee!

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