He Cheats On You

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A rainy day never bothered anybody, but today it seemed to match your mood

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A rainy day never bothered anybody, but today it seemed to match your mood. Zach was acting a little weird, he was kind of distant and jumpy. He would still cling onto you, but he seemed out of it. In your first class, you sat next to Jessica and Justin. They were you're 2 best friends and Justin was friends with Zach, so maybe he knew what was up.

When you walked in, they were already sitting down. So, you sat at their table. "Hey, do you guys know what's going on with Zach? He's acting so freaking weird." You whispered to them. They looked at each other and their facial expressions changed. "What's going on?" You were starting to get nervous. "Zach hasn't told you huh?" Justin said not making eye contact with you. "No, told me what? Y'all are scaring the hell out of me." You said sitting back in your chair. Jess looked as if she was about to cry. "Here. Read these messages." She handed you her phone and it was Zach texting a group with her and Justin:

" She handed you her phone and it was Zach texting a group with her and Justin:

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ou were in tears after reading the messages. You grabbed your bag and stormed out of class. As you walked down the halls, Jess ran after you but you weren't down to talk to anybody. Zach was at the end of the hall with his friends, when he saw you storm my and in tears his attitude completely changed. "Are you happy, Zach? You broke an innocent girl. I hope you know what you just did. You didn't even have the balls to tell her. I hope you and your mystery girl are happy." You heard jess yelling at him behind you, but you didn't care to stop. You got in your car and drove all the way to your best friend, Tony's house. He knew how to cheer you up.

When you pulled up he was working on his car. You got out and ran over to him and cried in his arms. "Y/n what's going on? What's wrong?" He asked, he was confused. "Zach cheated on me and said that he and girl might be meant for each other." You were crying so hard. He became angry. "That son of a bitch." He mumbled, he hugged you tighter. "It's going to be okay, y/n. Zach doesn't know what he just lost. I'm gonna go to school tomorrow and pay him a visit." You let go of him and stared at him. "No, I don't want you to get in trouble." He shook his head, "I don't care my best friend just got her heartbroken. He will pay." A smile came across your face even though the tears were still falling.


The next day at school, you avoided Zach. Knowing he would be in the cafeteria for lunch, you skipped that and just went straight to your favorite class of the day, Journalism. You loved to write. Today you were in a mood where writing was all you wanted to do, and you did. After that, was the last class of the day. You had this class with Zach. You didn't want to be in the same room as him so you signaled Clay, Jess, Justin and Hannah to come outside. Clay, Justin, and Jess did but Hannah stayed back. We didn't think anything of it and just left. "You guys wanna hangout at Monets? I really don't think I could sit in that class. You guys don't have to. I just don't wanna be alone. I'll drive?" You asked in hopes they would say yes and they all did. "I hate this school anyways." Clay laughed and you giggled. "I can say the same thing. Why didn't Hannah want to come? That's so weird." Everyone shrugged. You texted Hannah to see if she wanted something since you knew she was so focused on school work.

As you, Clay, Jess and Justin sat there

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As you, Clay, Jess and Justin sat there. Tony walked in. You had texted him earlier saying you weren't going to last period due to what happened and told him to meet you at Monet's. "Well, you're going to be pissed off." He said sitting down, "Pissed off, hurt, angry but you need to know what I found out."  Everyone was confused but ready to listen. "I talked to Zach y/n." Your heart dropped. What could have happened? "The girl he cheated on you with, is Hannah." Your jaw dropped along with everyone else's. "What? That doesn't make sense. She's one of my best-" You stopped your sentence realizing why she didn't come. You grabbed the coffee you bought her and gave it to someone so they didn't have to pay for one. "Why would she- That doesn't make any sense." Jess said, "That's so fucking disgusting." You started crying again. "Okay, well I don't want to hurt you more. So that's all I'm telling you." Tony said, hugging you. Clay was silent. "Clay, are you okay?" Jess asked, and he shook his head. "No. No I'm not. She played me. We were supposed to hangout tonight." He was red in the face. You were so confused as to why they would do that to you. "Let's go." You said getting up and walking out. They all ran after you. "What are you going to do y/n?" Justin asked. "You're either coming with, or you're staying." You were already in the car and they got in. You drove off to school and walked back into class. Clay, Justin, and Jessica all followed behind you. You had tears in your eyes as soon as you seen Hannah. "Really, Hannah? You're one of my best friends. How could you?" Her facial expression changed. Zach looked up in shock. "You too, Zach. How could you guys do this to me? Both of you." Zach tried to walk towards you. "No, you stay away from me. I don't want either of you in my life anymore. I hate the both of you. You think you're meant to be? Then be together, go ahead. Just know that I never want to see or speak to you guys ever again." With that, you stormed out of school.

Zach tried running after you, but you were already gone. How can people who claim they care about you, do that?

Part 2??

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