Chapter 23

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('_`。) *sniff*



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It has been quite some time since Lisa was taken to the emergency room, and the clock striking at one end of the hall was ticked by tick duping my vision

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It has been quite some time since Lisa was taken to the emergency room, and the clock striking at one end of the hall was ticked by tick duping my vision. I was past than being just overtly shaken or either flipped out of immense madness. The guiltiness hadn't just sat on my chest but rather poked empty holes inside my brain. The blood—there was a puddle of blood in her bed, and those haunting images would never fade away, and even with dire act of denying, much the like to willed and prayed for it to go away; it was some other painful memory inside my head. Only unending silent prayers were all I could whisper in my heart to God as I tried to beg for His mercy. Please, don't let anything bad happen to Lisa. I can't allow it, I beg you... because I can never take it. I can never allow anything horrible, especially right now... now that I have cherished keeping her in my life.

Not now that I feel blessed by all of this—building our home, holding our life together, mothering our son...

Not now that I am beginning to...lo—LIKE her.

"Jennie? Do you want to eat something or perhaps get some rest at home?" Jinyoung-oppa urged as he slipped quickly through the glass doors towards the waiting room, though not quickly enough to prevent a swirl of snowflakes from entering along with him. Even at times like this, his timely thoroughness was one of his presentable bearings as he checked out to tend my immediate needs while I slumped down emptily on one of the sofas. I just shook my head, as my blank gaze dispelled at nothing in particular towards the hospital floor. "Are you sure? Is there anything you need?"

"I am fine." I lied, on the grounds that—I could never —perhaps— would never feel any close to the word—fine. Yet, I needed to stomach one more poor excuse so I wouldn't be an added nuisance to his apparent misery. "How hilarious. We are waiting in vain here,  and up until now no one here can update us about her current state?"

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