Changed...?(OoO POV)

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(Michael POV:)
I look around at the strange crowd surrounding us, a bit wary, even though none of them were in offensive stances. Mario was still glaring at them all, daring them to attack, no doubt. They all look at me, shock clear upon every single person's face. Then the Snake Woman spoke. "M-Mario? What..." She trailed off. Mario narrowed his eyes at her. "How do you know my name?" He growled. Her eyes filled with hurt and confusion. "And why do you sound like Kay?" He mutters under his breath. I look around at all of them. There's Snake Lady, a guy I don't recognize dressed in purple, and two Gingers walking towards them. We're in the middle of a bunch of cabins, and surrounded by trees. Plenty of shadows in case we need a quick escape, too. The two Gingers look at us, one looking confused, and when the one with blue eyes looks at me, his eyes light up with recognition, but then change to confused. "Michael, why are you and Mario dressed weird?" Blue Eyes asks me. It's my turn to be suspicious. "How do you know our names?" I ask, tone underlaced with an unspoken threat, and Blue Eyes shivers at my tone, and his eyes filled with sadness and worry. "D-do you not remember me?" He asks. "Seeing as I've never seen you before in my life, no. Now who are you." I say, pulling out my scythe, and letting my eyes fill with shadows. His eyes widen, and he takes a few steps back. Purple Dude steps in front of him, hands raised. "Woah, woah! There's no need to pull out weapons!" He says. "And who are you?" I say, not putting away my scythe. Mario curls his hands into fists, and I feel the earth shift a bit beneath me. "My name is Xylo. That's Ritchie-" He pauses, gesturing towards Blue Eyes. "That's Daveed-" He pauses again, gesturing towards the other Ginger. "And that's Kaykrae, our camp councilor." He finishes, gesturing towards Snake Lady. "Welcome to Camp Oasis."

(Author's Note: And Another! Also, if you notice me speaking like a British Person, that's because I've been watching Doctor Who, and it's rubbing off on me. I am not British, sadly. But, if you are British, then I thank you and your people for having amazing Tv shows. Ta ta, Pups!)

Word Count: 348

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