The Titans (OoO POV)

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(Michael's POV:)
Suddenly, a guy with brown hair that had a blue streak through it flys onto the platforms on a giant dragon-bird thing. Mario and I both get into fighting stances, but soon relax once we see Kaykrae smile at him. "What's up Jakey?" She asks, and Mario and I look at each other confusedly. This Jakey looked NOTHING like the one we know. He looks at Kaykrae, clearly panicking. "Bryan's attacking. He released the Titans." He says, and everyone stiffens. They all look to Kay. She gets a determined look on her face. "Xylo, go after the titans. Ritchie, go to the cabins, make sure everyone is safe. Everyone else go to their cabins. Mario-" She winces. "Forgot he wasn't here. Mario, Michael, go with the others, I guess. I was going to patrol the borders, but it looks like Bryan is my responsibility." She says, her voice and eyes uncertain. "Wait." I say, and everyone turns to me. "We could do this instead. Have Mario go against your Bryan. He won't be expecting what abilities Mario has, because he doesn't know this isn't his Mario. I'll go too, to be backup." I offer, and she still looks uncertain, but she nods anyways. "Seems like a good strategy to me. I'll patrol the borders. The rest of you know what to do." She said, and then she spread her wings, which I didn't know she had, and soars off. I walk over to Jakey. "Take us to where he is?" I ask, and he nods. "Hop on. This is Phlargic, by the way." He says, and I nod back, easily getting onto the dragon-bird, Mario following suit. Then we took off towards a dark looking island in the sky.

(Author's Note: I'm not dead! Here, have another chapter! Also, here is a link to my discord! )

Word Count: 293

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