Sparring. (FTO POV)

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(Michael's POV:)
Mario and I stand opposite of Ritchie and Brandon, the others are off to the side, watching us. Ritchie nods to us. "You can make the first move." He offers, and I nod. I take out my Key, and watch as Mario takes out his Staff. I look him in the eyes, and he nods, backing off a bit, letting me make the first blow. I activate my Key, shooting all sorts of weapons at them, causing them to go wide eyed and Storm Blink away. Ritchie shoots Lightning at Mario. "CMON MARIO, Join the fight!" He shouts, and keeps summoning Lightning on him, and I see Mario smirk, and just walk out of the Lightning, not a single bit of him singed or hurt at all, making jaws drop all around us. "You'll have to try a bit harder than that." He says simply, and summons literally the BIGGEST lightning bolt I've ever seen on Ritchie, effectively knocking him out as he turns to Brandon. "You want him Michael? Or is it for me to finish?" He asks, and I smirk, pulling out a a small knife from my sleeve. "I'll take him, if you don't mind." I respond, and he nods, backing off from Brandon as I run towards him, dodging the attacks he sent after me, and I leap into him, knocking him to the ground, and I then put my forearm against his chest as he tries to get up, swiftly placing the knife just over his neck, both of us out of breath. I smirk, knowing I won, and stand up, holding my hand out for him as he takes it, pulling himself up. "That was... interesting, to say the least." Brandon says, and I nod. "Indeed it was. Mario, please wake up Ritchie." I ask/command him, and he nods, giving Ritchie a small shock, waking him up. He shoots upwards, and leaps to his feet, smiling playfully at Mario. "Good gods, you're powerful! I don't think anyone has ever managed to match me in Lightning, much less knock me out, so good job. You'd be a good addition to the guild, if you were from here." He says, making Mario blush slightly from all the praise, and I chuckle, walking over to save him. "Well, while I'm sure that would be fun, I think we should start finding a way home, yeah?" I ask, and Ritchie nods. "Yeah, we kinda need our Michael and Mario back." He agrees, and we all go back into the guildhall to think up ways to get back home.

(Author's Note: Here's another Chapter! Hope y'all enjoyed, and have a good day! Want schedule updates for me? Join my Discord! The link is in the chapter above this one.)

Word Count: 433

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