The Fight. (OoO POV)

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(Michael's POV:)
As we land, I sense a dark Aura within the castle, as well as a faint lighter Aura. Turning to Jakey, I tilt my head. "Who's in there? I sense two people. As far as I'm aware, there's only one person in there, right?" I ask, and he nods, confused as well. "Yeah, it's just Bryan..." Mario hums softly. "Maybe another Eden situation?" (This is at the point where everyone in FTO knows about Eden being two people, btw! If I messed up before, sorry, and can you let me know where it is so I can change it?) I think for a bit, and nod. "Very possible, actually. If I can manage to separate his soul from the darkness of the Rose, then  we can just kill the rose and have no more problems. You just have to keep him distracted." Mario nods, and we all walk in, Mario in the lead. Then we see... him? It? Whatever. We see the Rose, sitting in his throne. He smirks for a moment before looking confused. "Oh? An outfit change? What a shame... I thought you were quite cute before, Michael~" I glare at him. "I doubt that, Rose." I say, and Marie gets ready to attack. The Rose notices and puts up a shadowy-looking shield all around himself with a smirk. "Tut-tut, Mario! No electricity can get through this shield. Nor can your sword. Try, and you'll get knocked into a wall." The Rose says tauntingly, but Mario only smiles, much to the Rose's confusion. Then Mario uses his powers to trap the Rose to his throne, and I step forwards knowing it was my turn. The Rose panics, and I activate my power, tearing away his shield, walking up to him. "Sorry to 'burst your bubble', but we aren't the Michael and Mario you know. Surprise!" I say gleefully, before separating the Rose from Bryan, catching the poor winged boy as Mario buries the Rose in sharp rocks. Needless to say, it was very bloody. I go into my God form, and fly Bryan down, Mario going down beside me by using a piece of the island to carry himself down. We land in the camp, almost immediately running into a scraped up Xylo. His eyes widen, seeing that we had Bryan. "Okay, Wait, what?" He asks, and I shrug, smirking. "The Rose is dead. This is just your Bryan." I explain, and look at Mario. "Hey Mario, can you send that island to the bottom of the lake?" I ask, and he nods. Before long, we hear a big crash, and Xylo takes Bryan from us. Suddenly, the same portal that brought us here appears again, and I turn to Xylo. "Guess it's time for us to go! Make sure to explain what happened here to your Michael and Mario. Bye!" I say quickly, and drag Mario into the portal with me.

(Author's note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it seems off, but we're getting close to the end now!)

Word Count: 488

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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