Comprehension (OoO POV)

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(Michael POV:)
I look at them, a little bit confused. "What's 'Camp Oasis'? A guild of some kind? How far are we from Atlantide?" I ask, and their gazes grow more and more confused. "Camp Oasis is a camp for Demigods. What's a guild?" Xylo asks. He seems to be the spokesperson for them, if I'm being honest. "A guild is a group of magic users who have come together to reach a certain goal. There is a Ranking System as well, going from SS, to S, to A, to B, to C, in highest to lowest order." I explain, Just how far are we from Atalantide? They nod, clearly not understanding, but just going with it. "And what's an Atlantide?" Xylo asks again. "Atlantide is one of the most powerful cities. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it! It has four guilds within its walls, all striving to protect it and all of its glory. There is my Guild, Grimshade, Mario is a member of Divinus Magia, then there is also the Wandering Coins, and the Protecters. Each guild is different. Grimshade is essentially a group of... well, for lack of better term, Assassins, who... erm.... kill off the more... Dangerous... Criminals. Divinus Magia takes in the criminals who want to reform, and helps them along the way, The Wandering Coins are a group of thieves, once run by a man called Reaper, who kept them in order, but Reaper was killed, and now they are just a bunch of wild criminals. Finally, the Protecters, like the name says, Protect the people of Atlantide, and put the criminals behind bars." I conclude, and they are all looking at us a bit warily now. As they should have been all along. "Oh, How rude. We forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Michael, but you all seem to know that already. I'm a Shadow God Slayer, Leader of Grimshade." I say, and nudge Mario. He sighs. "I'm Mario, Cavern Dragon Slayer, and B rank of Divinus Magia." He says simply. The others look at me strangely. "You have killed a god?" Xylo asks, and I shake my head. "No, that's not what that means. I am capable of killing a god." I correct, and they all look at me, a mix of fear and awe in their eyes. Xylo smacks his head. "We didn't introduce ourselves fully. Can we restart?" He asks sheepishly, and I chuckle, and nod. "Okay- I'm Xylo, son of Hades. Ritchie over there is a son of Hermes." He said, gesturing towards Ritchie. "Daveed is son of Momus." Everyone chuckled softly at that. "Kaykrae isn't really a demigod, but she is the daughter of Delphi." He finishes, and Kaykrae holds her head up proudly. "What do you guys mean by Demigod?" I ask, and they all look at each other, uncertainty in their eyes. "Being a Demigod means you are the child of a god, or goddess,  and a mortal. My father is Hades, god of the underworld, Hermes is the god of messengers and thieves, Momus-" He stopped and snickered here. "Is the god of Mockery and Satire. Delphi wasn't a goddess, but she was the creature whom guarded the Oracle until Apollo came and killed her." He explains, and I nod, albeit Mario looks a bit confused. "Is everyone here a child of a Greek god/goddess?" I ask. "Either adopted or by blood, yes." Xylo answers, and I nod. I catch Mario's eye, and I can see the question in them. Who's child would we be, if any?

(Author's Note: I KNOW ITS LONGER THAN THE OTHER ONE, BUT MICHAEL HAD A LOT MORE TO EXPLAIN, OKAY!!! Hope y'all enjoyed, and see you later, Pups!)

Word Count: 595

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