The Fourth Wall

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(Your POV:)

You are sitting in a bar. You find yourself sitting next to a man in a Jester costume. And on your other side, a man with no face. He looked to be a security guard of some sort. They don't notice you. "Another day, huh, Davis?" The Jester asked. "Yep. Foxy was a bit nuts today. We really need to fix him." The faceless man replied. The Bartender looks up, and notices you. He clears his throat. "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but the bar is now closed." He says, his voice dry. The two pay for their drinks, get up, and leave. The Bartender turns to you. How strange. Nobody has ever talked to you before. "Hello. What brings you here, to the Bar of the Multiverse?" He asks you. You remain silent. He understands your meaning. "Oh. I wonder why. It's not every day that the Authors do this sort of thing." He says. You nod, and look questioningly at him, nodding towards the door. "Oh, them? Just some unfinished stories." He answers simply. "But you have seen the impossible, haven't you." He says, more a statement than a question. You tilt your head to the side. "You have seen a story that should have ended. You have watched it continue. One of the stories has met its end, had its finale, but something chose to ignore that, and continue it." His statement resonates in you, somehow. It's almost as if someone was acknowledging that they had done what he said, and bent the rules of the universe. How odd. "They should not have done that. All stories must end, and that one has made it 10 times over." Again, the strange acknowledgment. He looks at you. "Ah, but you all know that, now don't you. What a strange group you are." You look around, but it's only you. You point to yourself, and raise one eyebrow. "Yes, you. All of you." His eyes grow distant, as though he is looking through you. But you also know who he is speaking to. He is speaking to You, Anon. Reader, Watcher, Viewer, Listener. To You. You come back into focus as he begins to speak again. "You are wondering who I am, correct?" You nod. "I am ClockWork. The First. The Last. The Unwanted. The Needed. I am many, yet I am None. I know all of the stories. I have seen their Ends. And seen many Beginnings. That is who I am." You look at him. He looks back. "Yes. I do know this ending. But then." He says, pausing. "Spoilers." He waves his hands around, and Jazz Hands pops into your mind. "Now, I'm sure you want to know what happens next. So, off you go. I will be watching from afar." He says, and walks over to the door, ushering you towards it. "And Remember." He says. "Beware the man who speaks in hands, and be wary of the man from another world."

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