Drunk Mistake (Chapter 3)

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Sofia's POV

I wanted to burst out crying, but I held my tears back. "Who's the new owner?" I asked him. "Did you see Mr. Blake Gilbert? He's the new owner. You must have seen him around, he and I were signing the contracts." Mr. Lexington said. So that's his name, Blake Gilbert. Wow, such a white name, to be honest. Not to be racist or anything. "When is he going to take over?" I asked him. "Next week on Monday." Mr. Lexington said. What! That early?! That is 4 days away! "But...sir? Where am I going to go?" I asked him. "Well, Blake said he wanted the same employees to work for him. But I don't know about interns. You can ask him when he takes over. He might hire you. I can give you a recommendation if you want." Mr. Lexington said. "But where are you going?" I asked. "Well, I'm going to my work with my wife at our other company." Mr. Lexington said. I thought Mr. Lexington was going to retire. Why did Alexandra never mention this? Maybe it's not a big deal for them because they are rich as hell. "Mr. Gilbert will start moving his stuff in, the next day. You can talk to him tomorrow, try to persuade him. He's a nice guy. I've known him for years!" Mr. Lexington said. I sighed, it's not going to be that easy I bet you. "Do you have any printing papers? We ran out and I need to print Mrs. Henderson's papers." I said as Mr. Lexington nodded. He gave me a pile of printing papers, I thanked him and left. I guess I could try begging the new owner for a job. What if he doesn't hire me? Then it hit me, he noticed me before! Gosh! It will make it 1,000 time awkward. I put the printing paper in the printer and waited. The papers that Mrs. Henderson wanted, finally came out. I went to her desk and handed her the papers while she thanked me. I looked at my phone, it's time to go back. I walked out and called an Uber. I got on and sat there in silence. When we got to the dorm, I went in. I jumped on my bed. Where is Alexandra? As I was about to call her, the door opened. Alexandra stood there with a bunch of bags on her hands. "Why do you have many bags?" I asked her, as she took off her shoes. "Well, tonight there is a big party, it's hosted for business people and I'm invited. Soooo, I went shopping. Since my dad doesn't want to go, I'm going for him." Alexandra said, I nodded. "Why did you not tell me that your dad was selling his law firm?" I asked her, she shrugged. "Dad told me about it but I didn't think it was important since he had many law firms. I didn't know which one he was talking about." Alexandra said. "Well, now I don't know where I'll work. I'm screwed. What if the new boss doesn't hire me?" I said. "I'm pretty sure he will, you're a great worker! I'll beg my dad to make him hire you. Btw, do you want to go to the party with me? Natalie is also coming with me to the party ." Alexandra said as she plotted herself on Natalie's bed. Natalie is probably at the canteen right now. Maybe this party will help me get a new job? Since it's a business party with important people. "Fine..what do I wear?" I asked her. "Just wear something causal but cute and formal." Alexandra says. "I'll just wear some pants and..." I was cut off by Alexandra. "Nope! I have a dress for you to wear!" Alexandra said as she took a dress out of one of the bags "Isn't this cute? I bought this for you." She said as she showed me the dress. Oh gosh! It's so revealing. Who in the world would wear this to a formal party? "I can't wear that! This is a formal party not a strip club." I said. "YOU WEAR IT! NO MORE COMMENTS!" Alexandra said as she put up her hand. Ugh, I guess I can't argue. She's so bossy sometimes. "What time are we going?" I asked her. "We have to be there at 8:30PM that's when the party starts." She says as I nodded. It's 6:47PM right now, I should get ready. I went in the bathroom and took a shower. As I was taking a shower, the picture of Blake kept popping up in my head. Eww! That's gross that I dreamed of me and him having s*x! What if he hires me? That's like dreaming about me and my boss having s*x! Stop thinking about it Sofia! If you don't  think about it, it never happened. I got out and dried myself. I put on the dress. Why is it so revealing?! I did my hair and put on a bit of makeup. 

Sofia's Dress

Sofia's Makeup

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Sofia's Makeup

Sofia's Makeup

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Sofia's hair

Sofia's hair

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I checked myself in the mirror before walking out. "Damn! Ya look so good! I told you that dress would look good on you!" Alexandra said. I looked at her to see that she was doing her makeup. She's just wearing a lace red dress with some YSL heels. Natalie was sitting on her bed and just playing on her phone. She was wearing a white dress with some flats. "Yass! Sofia, looks so good!" Natalie said. I'm going to wear flats because I suck at wearing heels. It's 7:23PM right now. "We'll get on the limo at 7:45." Alexandra said, I gasped in shock. "We're going on a limo?!" I asked her. "Yeah, what do you expect? We're not ubering to the party, that's embarrassing! Everyone attending is important guests." Alexandra said as she put on some mascara. Oh gosh! She's such a rich girl. I sat in my bed waiting for her to finish. I should google up this Blake Gilbert dude. "Yo, dude. Do you know who Blake Gilbert is?" I asked her. She quickly turned around. "Omg! How do you not know Blake Gilbert! He's super rich! He owns multiple business. Anything you could think of, he probably owns a company for it. He's super rich for creating a medicine of some sort." Alexandra said. "How could you not know who he is, Sofia?! He's in the charts for top 10 richest people on Earth" Natalie said as she threw herself on her bed pretending to die. "Well, fun fact, he bought Alexandra's dad's law firm." I said as Alexandra gasped. "No way! I could meet him if I want!" Alexandra said as I nodded. I googled him up. He's 30 years old (10 years older than me), his dad raised him his whole life, unknown whereabouts about his mom, single, 6'8 feet tall, net worth of 54.5 billion dollars?! I almost fainted! A billionaire winked at me! Oh gosh! I felt as if was going to pass out at any second. I looked at his google images, that is the same guy I saw! I'm not going to tell Alexandra and Natalie about this because they'll totally flip. It was finally 7:45 and the limo was outside waiting for us. We got in and it was crazy because there were champagne and chocolate inside. Of course, Natalie and Alexandra would eat and drink. I will admit, I did drink a few glasses of champagne. I mean how could I not? It was fancy champagne. I can't resist. As we arrived at the party, I felt the champagne kick in. I felt a bit tipsy. Oh no! I shouldn't have drank too much! I went in the party and acted normal. The party was so fancy, chandeliers everywhere. Guests were celebrities or important business people. We all started to dance and have fun. Natalie gave us more champagne and I stupidly chugged it down. I even went and got some more champagne. Natalie and Alexandra were totally wasted too. I guess they drank too much champagne. After a while, the alcohol finally kicked in. I felt so drunk, I couldn't see where I was going, I just felt dizzy and in a daze. We were all dancing, and all of the sudden. The only thing I could remember is that I'm in a dark room...and I felt something on my lips. I was kissing someone.....

To be continued...

Chapter written by: Crazybear89

Hello! Crazybear89 here! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Forgive me for any errors, I was probably too tired to noticed that. I have a lot of things to do, so writing is hard for me. But I try my best to write long chapters for you guys. Pls vote and comment! This chapter has 1,569 words! UNTIL NEXT TIME, BYEEE! 👋🏻👋🏻

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