🍋 Screwed (Chapter 8)

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Author's Note: Don't worry guys, I didn't go into details so you guys could read it. I just did time skip and that's all. Otherwise, enjoy! 

Sofia's POV

I wanted to run...I just wanted this to be some weird dream. But sadly, it wasn't. We did vows like any normal wedding, except this wedding was demonic. And some of the words were different. I wanted to say no when the "priest" asked me if I agreed to marry Blake. But I couldn't, I could feel Blake tightening the grip on my hand. I wish this was all a dream. I had to say yes, and I did. Then there was the part that I dreaded the most, kissing my groom aka Blake aka the devil! I closed my eyes and just did it to get it over with. I use to enjoy the kiss, but now I just wish the kiss would go by quicker.  I pushed Blake away and opened my eyes, to see Blake smirking at me, I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't have done that because the next thing I knew, Blake's eyes were red like dark red, it looked like he was going to kill me right there. "Now, I present to you, the new queen of our Kingdom! Queen Sofia Gilbert! Long live Queen Sofia!" The priest said, all of the devils looked at me. I wanted to close my eyes but Blake squeezed my hand letting me know that I shouldn't. All of the devils bowed down to me, and I wanted to run. My hands were hold, I could feel myself freaking out. The ceremony ended and there was a party, well to me it was like a haunted house. I sat on the big round table with Blake. If I walked somewhere, Blake would follow me. Many of the devils came up to us and congratulated us. Why? Why am I the queen of devils now?! Why couldn't Blake choose another girl?! Why me?! What did I ever do?! I'm not special, not at all. So why? Those questions keep popping into my head. I need an explanation and the only person that can tell me is Blake. But I'm horribly afraid of him. How? How will I ask him? I can't, exactly. Sitting here made me extremely homesick. I miss my friends, grandparents (my only family), and even my neighbor, Mrs. Kassie. She's an old lady that my grandma use to take me to, she was mean at time but now I miss her. I miss everything, from the smallest thing. I should have appreciated everything, every little bits. Time passed and the stupid part finally ended. But where am I going to go? I married the devil, so now what? Am I going to stay here forever?! The thought of staying here forever panicked me. No! I can never stay here forever! When the party ended Blake took me to a room. Well, I meant dragged me to a room. 

Third Person's POV

Blake dragged Sofia to his room, which was now their room, since they're finally married. He locked the door, and Sofia was now scared sh*tless. "Wh-at are you doing, Blake?! Let me out, I'm scared." Sofia said, Blake just smirked at her. He liked the feeling of Sofia being vulnerable, he loved to control Sofia. (This is the part where your author dies bc she is cringing too hard). "We're married now, Sofia. You belong to me." Blake said, Sofia turned into ice. What does he mean? Is he going to have s*x with her? "No, no, no! Blake? What are you going to do?!" Sofia asked in a panicked voice, Blake smiled at her evilly. "I'm going to claim you, Sofia. After all, I have the rights to. You're my wife now.  And don't you remember how you disrespected me? Now you will be punished." Blake said, Sofia turned pale. "Blake! Please no! Don't do this! I don't even know what's going on?!" Sofia screamed to him, he smirked again. (Bish, why the f*ck does he smirk so much? Idk even know what I'm doing.) "Don't worry, baby. I will explain everything to you. And that is...after we have fun." Blake said with his sinister voice. Sofia tried to run from Blake as he approached her. "I wouldn't run if I were you Sofia. If you keep rejecting me, I will kill all of your loved ones. So I will be the only one you love." Blake said, Sofia felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn't want him to kill her grandparents and her friends, the people she loves the most. So she had to do it, she had to give herself to the devil. "If I do this, you promise me you won't hurt my family and friends, right?" Sofia asked, Blake nodded. Sofia walked close to Blake as he smiled in a sinister way. (LOL, I'm trying to sound evil and sexy, but it's turning out weird. Tbh, this book is weird anyways.) Blake kisses Sofia, as Sofia's tears kept running down rapidly. Sofia didn't want this at all, she just wanted to be back home. Blake unzipped Sofia's dress, and Sofia wanted to run away right there. She couldn't take it anymore but she also didn't want him to kill her loved ones so she stayed quiet and let him do whatever he wants. 

Time Skip (bc I don't want to write the full scene) (Third Person's POV)

Sofia already fell asleep and Blake just finished. Sofia fainted from all the pleasure 😏. Blake pulled out of Sofia and cuddled with her, hugging her tightly as ever. The bed sheets were stained with Sofia's blood because she had lost her virginity. Sofia did scream and cry a lot, but Blake still continued. Sofia hated herself because she actually enjoyed it. She knew she shouldn't! But she couldn't help herself! Blake was very happy, because Sofia was finally his...

To be continued...

Chapter written by: Crazybear89

Hi guys, it's Crazybear here! Thanks for reading! Mellie758 was supposed to write this chapter but she's too shy, she cannot write smut scenes. So I had to do it. But I didn't do it. I did write a full smut scene but then I accidentally deleted it all, so I decided to just do time skip bc I have no more time. But I mean, no one even reads the smut scenes, right? But you guys don't know how mad I was, I wrote over 1,000 words and it just got deleted! All of my hard work! Mellie758 will be writing chapter 9&10 bc I wrote the last chapter and this chapter. Then our schedule will be normal again. This chapter has 1,130 words! 

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