Unexpected (Chapter 13)

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Third person's POV

A week has passed since the day Sofia's "death." Sofia was tired of Blake and tired of the way she was now living. She wanted nothing to do with Blake. When Blake came home and greeted Sofia, Sofia just ignored him.

Sofia's POV

Blake's home and acting all happy and sh*t. Ugh I just hate the way Blake acts. I just ignored him when he greeted me, I went to the room and locked it. It's been a week since I "died" and I still can believe that Blake did that. All of a sudden Blake busted the door down and he looked p*ss off. But I didn't care if he was p*ss off or not. "Why were you ignoring me!?!?" Blake asks me with an angry voice. I didn't respond to him, I just did want to listen to him, he started laughing. what a creep, I thought. Then he said that was going to "punished" me for ignoring him.

After that...because there is no way I am going to type that out.

Ugh stupid son of a b*tch. He left smiling to himself. Once he left I went to go take a shower because I felt gross and discussed. After that just went to sleep, I was very tired because I haven't slept in two days.

In the morning...

I woke up and felt like I needed to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I told myself that it's probably because I didn't eat in days. I then remembered what Blake did. I took a pregnancy test to make sure. After I took the test, I look at it and it came out positive. Ugh great I'm pregnant with Blake's child. I never wanted any this to happened.

Blake's POV

I walked in the room and saw that Sofia wasn't the room. So I looked around and saw that she was in the bathroom. I noticed that she was looking at something in her hand. I decided to see what she what she was looking at and walked up to her. What I saw shocked me, it was a pregnancy test, Sofia took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. I was happy that I was going to be a father. "You're pregnant, that's great!" I told her. She just looked at me like she was disappointed that she was pregnant. Then she just walked away and just went to the bed and sat down to see the T.V. I know she doesn't like me and she wont want to have the baby, but she has no choice.

Two months later...
Third person POV

It was 5:43 in the morning and Sofia woke up with a headache. She felt the baby's kicks. She was too tired to even care what was happening, so she just sat up. Blake then came in the room with a breakfast tray for Sofia. Sofia looked at him and then the food. She didn't even eat the food and just sat there in the bed with the tray on the bed. Blake was sitting on the other side of the bed and was wondering why she wasn't eating. He told her that if she didn't eat it will be for the baby. Sofia just looked at him and said that she didn't care if it was good for the baby or not. Blake got p*ssed off that Sofia wasn't eating and that she didn't care about the baby. They started to argue, Sofia got up from the bed and said that she didn't want non of this and that she wanted her life back. Blake just said that she belonged to him and that she must take good care of the baby and that she has to be happy with the way she was living. Sofia continued to yell at him and told him that she didn't love him and that she didn't want to have the baby. Blake yelled back at her and started talking about how she was being ungrateful. He then said something he wish he never have said. He told her about her about what her parents did and how they promised to his dad that once she was old enough, she'd have to marry him. Sofia just looked at him and then Blake saw that there was blood starting to come out everywhere. He call the maid to help and once the maid came, they put Sofia on the bed and the maid told Blake to wait outside. He waited outside and was worried, He shouldn't have said that. The maid came out and told him that the Sofia was fined, but that the baby died due to stress and anger. He asked if he could go in and she said yes he may go in. He went in the room and saw Sofia just sitting there. He told her what the maid told him and she just said "Ok" and just looked away. He said that how was she okay about the baby being died. She told him that she didn't care about the baby or about him. He was mad but he knew that he had to try again, but not today, maybe in a week he'll try again. He smiled creepily to himself and walked out of the room. Sofia just watched him leave and got up to take a shower. Once she finished talking a shower and changed her clothes, she went to bed. She knew that Blake was going to try again. She started to think of a way to get out of there, but she didn't know how. All she knew is that she will do anything to get of there and that she will get of sooner or later.

To be Continued...

Written by Mellie

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter because I had a little bit of trouble trying to think of an idea. This chapter has 1,28 words. What do you think will happen to Sofia? Please comment what you think will happen next. Hope you have a great day. Until next time, bye🖐🏻

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