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Hi everyone
This is my just first novel
So there will be some typing and grammar mistakes
So please read and comment so I can correct it
Thank you
Hope you'll enjoy reading

Kevin read the letter he had written. He had written many letters for his
sweetheart so far and he didn't know how he could live anymore without her. He
read his letter.
Dear Andy
Wipe away your tear, please. I have written you many letters so far
and I know that this will always be close to your heart. Not only your
heart but mine as well. All these years you have held my heart and
protected it well in your hands. I feel indeed proud to be saying that you
are the owner of it.
Since the day we first met, you have always held me close. We have
never had any serious arguments and you have never broken my heart.
As I always say you are my sweet angel. I don't know what good deed I
have done to have you as mine. I have been the better husband. But you
have been the best wife. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't
met you. My life would have been useless and empty if not for you.
Everyday I close my eyes hoping to see you tomorrow. And every
morning I wake up to look at your beautiful smile on your lovey face.
Sometimes you are wrong, do you know? You are neither old, nor wrinkle
as you say. Every time I see you, I always see the girl I fell in love with,
that day by the locker in our old high school. Your parents did a right
decision on putting you there and they helped me. You opened my heart
when I was wondering who held the key to it. That day as you flipped your
hair angry at me, I couldn't be angry with you. I only fell more in love with
you. But I also know that you were feeling the same way about me as I
later caught you turning back and when you ran back trying to cover your face as you feared that I had seen the love that was pouring out from
your eyes.
I have said I Love You for you many times. But none of those times
say how much I really love you. I have not expressed my love for you fully.
You have just seen only a bit of my love for you. In my heart I hold all the
love just for you. I hold you in my heart and my heart is with you. You
have already done a very good job on protecting it and I know that you'll
keep it with you forever.
Days may seem longer. But none of them were as long as I felt a
second without you. Your beautiful eyes always made my stomach do a
backflip. Earlier it did a proper backflip but I know that if I tried it now,
I'll end up breaking my back so I don't try it. Your smiles are the free ticket
to my journey of finding my better half. You were my better half. And I'll
always always love you.
For better or for worse I'll always hold you close to my heart, Andy.
Your breath makes me live. Your eyes make my day shine brighter. Your
smiles are my inspiration. In short you are my everything. I never wanted
anything more I could ask for. You are the best gift I could hope for. I Love
You forever.
You are my dream that came true.
Yours and yours only,

Kevin neatly folded the letter and placed it on his file. He got up slowly and
walked around the house. Andy had gone out for a short walk and Kevin had
rejected the offer as the constant pain on his knee was growing worse by the day.
He touched the old photographs and relived the memories. He moved the little
wooden tree with the little backpack a millimetre to aside and his hand rested on the photo of the friends that had changed his life.

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