Chapter Fifteen

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Jack jumped over the last of the rocks. Finally, after about three hours of hard work and long jumps the group was safely on the other side of the wall of the rocks.
Their hands and feet were bleeding but they were used to it by now. Tom gave Jack a friendly slap on his back and moved on.

Jack was neither sad nor happy. It was highly puzzling him of the
mysteriousness of the forest but he said nothing. He felt pleased with himself for living all these days even with just the little amount of food they have and he didn’t even want to think whether they will reach the other end of the forest safely. It was quite astonishing even to himself to think that they have passed all these days with only biscuits, toffees and water. It’s unbelievable and Jack thought that whether he would believe if it was someone else on his place and if that person said about their
so called light meals to him.

But Jack knew one thing. He knew that it wasn’t either the food or the strength of it which kept them alive. It was the team’s strong will. Each day they woke up and as they silently shared glances they kept themselves cheering from
the inside. Their confidence and the need to get out of the forest kept them on their feet. Their love for their families and the need to see them again kept them walking. Each step they took made them think that they were getting close to their families.

When Jack was signing himself to the hike or, till he got lost he didn’t have a family. But since the day he was found by Kevin and then later after they met up with the others for the first time Jack felt as though he was belonged to someone. For the first time he felt familiarized in a group of people. And he also knew that he was a part of a very big family. The six individuals had made their families one. And Jack was a part of it. He never believed much in god. But the circumstances had made him change his opinion on the theory of god. He felt as though god had given him a treat. He was brought up without family. He had grown so used to it he didn’t even find it troubling. But now he felt as though the god was correcting his mistakes he had done. He was given a very large family when he hadn’t asked, hadn’t expected but needed. He needed love since he was young. Not like the matron’s love. It was different. He didn’t want divided love or attention. He just needed to be loved as Jack. Not like the orphan boy he was. And he had got it finally. Infinite love and trustworthy friendship had found him at last. He had three brothers and two sisters whom he knew would even sacrifice themselves for him.
What more could he ask for?


Days in the forest were same. It was uneventful except for the sometimes mysteriousness. Or else the forest was just like any other forests. The team was even so used to it now it took anything great to caught their attention. The green on all sides had made them grow less fond for trees and feeling nauseous of the thought of anything green. Except for the green leaves, dark trunks and blue sky their eyes were colour blind. Every way they turned it was either a tall tree trunk or green leaves. At least the only spec of white they saw was from the twinkling stars up and above. The nights in the forest was less scary now. They slept soundly
and peacefully. It was the lease they could do. The friends didn’t fear of being the dinner for a hungry predator. But they still had a person to keep on watching but they didn’t fear the jungle anymore. They were ready for anything. They just kept going on.


Edith got out from the stream. She was having a wash and only Laura was by her side. The boys always gave them privacy by the stream and they were a good
distance aside. But they were within earshot. Edith couldn’t stand to be lost again. She was very grateful for being found by her friends. She couldn’t even think of what would have happened to her in the forest. She helped Laura out and they sat
by the bank alone and in silence. Laura took out her notebook and strike out a day.

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