Chapter Twelve

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Laura woke early the next day to find Jack dozing off on the spot where he had stayed on watch. The torch was hanging loosely on his free arm and Laura switched it off. She thought that he might have been very tired as to fall asleep in half of his watch time. She thought of waking him up but she changed her mind. He needed the sleep. She tiptoed across the sleeping friends and she sat near her bag till the sun came up fully. The soft snores were tuning well with the rustle of the leaves. The sound was like music to her ears. She sat back and enjoyed it with a
smile on her face.


After the sun was up the group woke one by one and Jack swore that he didn’t sleep but was thinking of a pressing matter. The group of friends laughed and
moved on with their work. After the portion of light food was passed through the boys and girls they made their way towards what they thought was the way to the exit.

“Will the other groups have reached the exit by now?” Kevin looked at others.

“Hmm… Even I thought about that,” Laura said.

“Yeah, I think that they might’ve. We’ve been walking for a long time now.” Ian said from behind the group. He was watching Edith walk beside Laura. They had been good friends now. Even though Ian had found a similarity in Tom and spend time with him he still regretted that day by the stream. If only he was a bit faster or when the others were some minutes late, he would have had Edith by his side by now. Edith showed no interest in either Ian or any others. It was quite relaxing for him to think that she is still not taken but he feared that if they reached the exit sooner, they wouldn’t meet up again. Ian was not aware but sometimes he found himself staring at Edith. Once when Kevin was talking with
him Ian’s eyes had strayed to Edith as usual and even Kevin had followed his eyes. But before he could ask anything Ian had saved it at the last moment and had
continued the conversation with him. But Ian didn’t like the knowing smile Kevin gave him. He liked Kevin but Ian didn’t feel comfortable in getting caught off guard.

For the first time in his life Ian had felt himself blend in. He liked Tom and Jack and he loved the way of how Kevin was responsible in many ways. Laura was like a sister to him and Edith, there is no doubt about her. He loved her.


Ian closed his eyes shut and shook his head. That was wrong of him to think like that. She was a good friend to him and that’s it. He didn’t want to be in any relationships for a while. But as his eyes found Edith again, he thought that he wouldn’t really mind being in a relationship with her. Ian smiled at the thought
and carefully avoided the low hanging branch. The conversation was heading on.

“Maybe she is missing me.” Kevin was saying.

“Who – Andy?” Jack asked Kevin.

He nodded.

“Andy? Who is that? Your girlfriend?” Edith asked from front of the group.

“Oh my god! Don’t you know the very famous Andy?” Laura laughed at Edith. Ian wondered whether he might know anything about this Andy by any chance.

“Andy. She is everything. She is my world, my life,” Kevin was talking dreamily. Jack nudged him. Edith still hadn’t had her question answered.

“Andy is Kevin’s wife. His high school sweetheart.” Jack said while Kevin was smiling lost in his own world. Kevin was actually a lunatic gone mad with love
whenever the topic turned about his angel.

Jack looked at Edith. “He even has a one year old daughter called Rosy.” He said. Edith’s eyes were popped out.

“Really. I want to meet her one day, Kevin” she demanded. Kevin nodded at her.

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