Chapter Three - Laura

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Hi everyone
Hope you had a good day
Keep smiling and reading

Ed looked up at her expectantly. Love flowed from his eyes. His new black suit gleamed in the dimly lit restaurant. His eyes silhouetted her face. Just by the
way he was looking at her made her stomach flutter. She has never felt like this way with any other boys she had dated. Ed had been special. She knew that he was
the 'the person' from the first day they had met. Actually, at the time her eyes found him. It was like a constant ache in her chest whenever she saw Ed. She always
wondered whether he would know that she was the girl. Even though Ed was early in his thirties Laura found him younger. He had the young and carefreeness of the
early twenty's boys. She knew that he would love her one day as time went on.

Laura even remembered the expectant and caring look of Ed's eyes when he had first started to date her. He was a very perfect gentleman. Even after all the
fights, pains, breakups, and heartaches they had gone through Laura was sure that Ed had finally returned the day before for the last time and for good. The sight of Ed standing at the airport looking at the crying love of his life made Laura's heart ache for love. They had promised each other not to leave one another and finally Ed had brought her to the restaurant that she had always dreamed of dining at. He
had even booked the whole restaurant to make the night special.

The dancing candle light made her eyes glow brighter. The soft melody playing in the background made the atmosphere fill with a magical feeling. Ed took her hands and they slowly danced to the soft music. Finally, very very slowly the violinist and the pianist brought the piece to an end.

Ed took her hands in his. "You are the only girl in my life. I knew that you were the girl I would travel across seven seas and five continents to be with. You were wearing the blue tank top on the first day I saw you. It made your eyes stand out. You were sitting by the bench near the yew tree reading 'Romeo and Juliet'. That
day I kept looking at you for three hours. You were reading the book all the time and sometimes you looked up as though you sensed that someone was looking at you. You walked away later to your home. I followed you all the way and even saw you in your room upstairs. Actually, I felt you there. Your rooms curtains were obstructing my view. Finally, only after the light was turned off in your room that I left for home that day. On the second day I followed you again. I found you at the same place at the same time the next day. But you were reading 'Sherlock Holmes' and you were wearing a Spider-Man hoodie. You didn't look like a reader but you were one. On that day also I did the same thing. I followed you home and you didn't
even realize it. I thought that you hadn't realized it till I didn't find you in the same spot on the third day but behind me when you were tapping my shoulder. Your
black dress flowed easily around you. You looked just like an angel in a little black dress. You were looking at me quizzically. 'Hey,' the first word you spoke with me.
You questioned me about why I was following you for the past two days and me being the knight in shining armour blurted out saying that I just found you interesting. That sounded so wrong and stupid. I felt my face redden when I started to realize my stupidity, but you, you just laughed. You had found it funny. Even I
joined your laughter and at that moment the most amazing thought struck on my head. I knew that you were the 'the person'. Then I thought that I should never let go of you and I should always care for you. But times changed," Ed's tone dimmed. His perfectly well rehearsed recovery speech was reaching the dark past of their
relationship. Ed looked at her again.

"But past is past, my love. We have the infinite future to make up to all the time we lost by spending our lives separately. I made my decision a long time ago.
I knew that you are the person I will love for the whole of my life, I should wake up next to you every morning and I should go to sleep beside you every night. I want
to spend every second of my future life with you and only you. I want to start a new life with you." Ed left the sentence hanging in mid-air. Slowly Ed lowered
himself. Laura held her breath. Finally, Ed was on his knee. He took a very beautiful ring box from his pocket and opened it. A very expensive looking ring rested on the small cushion. "Will you marry me?" Ed whispered. Laura forgot to release her breath.

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