Chapter Two - Tom

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Thanks for reading the first two parts and I didn't expect the number of reads
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“No, no. Please start from the beginning again.” The director shook his head miserably. Tom’s face fell. He was already feeling very tired after singing the same
song for hours and hours. Yesterday’s rehearsal in the studio had gone well. Today the band had started well and they had moved on to the second song when the music director entered the studio. Gerald Bloom was the least favourite person Tom had ever met. According to Mr. Bloom he was the best and no one could beat his talent. Tom had half-heartedly agreed to record the song with Mr. Bloom and
by each passing minute he hated himself for agreeing. His second album had ten songs and they still hadn’t come up with a name to it. Tom knew that the song’s lyrics was good and the music was better. But when it was sung with the music his songs sounded magical. His sister had said so. And he believed what she said. His sister, Meg, had a very good taste in music and even though she doesn’t know much about music she always appreciated a good song.

Tom saw the disappointed head shakes his band mates gave. They were very talented but as usual for Mr. Bloom it wasn’t enough. He always found a mistake in
the recording. Sometimes it will be that Tom’s singing didn’t sound natural. Or he was not feeling confident. Or the drum was not loud enough. Or the piano should
change their note. Every single time the band start to do good they had to start over. Mr. Bloom literally killed them, to do more recordings. Tom even hated to
wake up and come fresh to the studio only to get scolded and illtreated from his music director. He was literally the devil and Tom was his toy. Once Tom nearly
lost his temper on Mr. Bloom. But he stopped himself before the could make the worst.

“Let’s start again mates”. Tom informed his band and he began to sing with his fingers crossed. A minute passed. Then a second. Then the third. Tom found
himself finishing the song without Mr. Bloom’s interruption. After the final note Tom looked up to see Mr. Bloom. His expression was changed. It was not regret. It
was not pleasure either. It was a grey area between the bad and good.

“It was better than before,” Mr. Bloom spoke. “But you have to make it sound livelier. You can do it better tomorrow. For today this will be enough.” At hearing
Mr. Bloom’s words of escape the band let out an audible sigh. They all hated Mr. Bloom as one. Chatter broke within the band as Mr. Bloom’s back was turned away from the studio.

Tom wondered slowly out of the studio. He bid goodbye to his bandmates and made his way home. His daily miserable life was lit by his bandmates. Tom
remembered his past more than twice a week. Everyday he finds himself wondering about how he ended up here today.

Even though he was part of a family of four with both parents and a younger sister, Meg, he had a very difficult childhood. He was not a child his father would proudly speak of. He was athletic but when it came to sports, he liked to watch. Not to participate. According to Tom he thought that it was his parents to blame. When
he was just a kid his parents taught him the pleasure of a video game and almost all the time Tom spent his free time thumbing a screen. If his parents had found it
as unhealthy as it looked, earlier itself, and as time moved on and the time came for Tom to participate in sports he wouldn’t have withdrawn. Tom feared the reallife players. He felt familiarized moving and commanding his millimetre sized
companions even in a battlefield but real-life sportsmen made Tom shudder. He couldn’t even think of playing a match of football with real-life people. Tom perfectly knew that these players were all his age and they were all nearly his height and weight in size, and no harm will be done for him. Even Tom couldn’t put his finger on what was wrong. All he knew was that something was disturbing him subconsciously.

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