Chapter Four - Kevin

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Ta daa
I am back guys
Sorry for the late update because I was reading a couple of good books in wattpad so couldn't put them down (literally)
So back again

Kevin opened the door of his home and stepped inside. A young toddler walked towards Kevin and gave him a very toothless grin. He bent down and gave his one-year old daughter a very tight hug. It always felt good to come home after a very busy day and get a genuine warm welcome from his daughter. Kevin stood up
and lifted his daughter. Andy peeped from the kitchen and gave Kevin a warm smile. She was a fulltime mom but even though how many hours little Rosy spent
with her mom she still treated her dad as he was the best. As the saying goes, she was daddy's little princess.

Kevin sat heavily on the sofa. He had a very tiring day at the office where he had to meet five different people and had to attend three, each an hour long,
meetings. Being the youngest Executive Director had advantages but he had to
work hard as well. Kevin was indeed pleased to get promoted as the extra salary will be a major help to his young kid's future.

Kevin loved his little daughter. She was the person who could put a smile on his face in any difficulty he faces. He loved her to bits. He never knew that he will
ever love anyone more than his wife but it proved him wrong on the day of his daughter's birth. Her rosy cheeks and toothless grin were as sweet as honey to

Kevin found a tug at his trouser and he looked down to see Rosy inviting him to play with her. He obliged but was stopped short by his wife who said, "you forgot
to freshen up, darling." Kevin laughed at his forgetfulness and freshened up quickly
changed to his jeans and t-shirt and ran down the steps to play with his kid. She was playing soldiers and Kevin mimicked each soldier's expression at the battlefield. Her high screech laughter was enough to automatically join Kevin and
Andy to share her laugh.

"How was work, Kevin?" Andy asked looking up from her dinner

"Very busy. I had to meet this old man from the TMI Company and I don't even know why he is still the CEO. He couldn't even understand what I keep saying and I had to repeat every single thing I said. That was a disaster." Kevin sighed heavily. He hated the old person and the people who were in the company for letting him
have a meeting with the deaf person. Andy laughed loudly thinking of her husband's ill will to communicate with a deaf person. Kevin laughed silently.

The Harrison's family was very light hearted. They took almost all the things lightly and most of the time the neighbours heard laughter from their home. Kevin
had bought the home when he went to university and later Andy moved in with him. Five years later the new addition completed the family. Kevin and Andy
always decided what's best for Rosy. They decided that she needs the parents love and the time from her parents rather that the time from day care or baby sitters.
So even before the baby was born Kevin and Andy came into the decision that Andy should quit her job as a creative director and be the full-time mother their child
deserves. Andy who loves her family more than her job willingly accepted Kevin's advice.

Kevin and Andy very rarely quarrelled. They were very understanding of each other even in a very young age. They had been high school sweethearts.
Kevin's eyes fell on Andy on the first day she moved to his high school. Even though Kevin was a very famous student and almost all the girls had a crush on him, he found that Andy was the south magnet while he was being the north magnet. Wherever he went, he saw Andy. Every turn he took he saw Andy. In every classes
he attended, Andy was also there. If he didn't know better he would've thought that she was following him but looking at her innocent eyes made him change his mind. He couldn't resist Andy. He always tried to get closer to her. He even stayed back after school so he could see her walk out safely from school to home after attending extra activities. Kevin even took a major leap of joining the General Knowledge club as he got to know that she was the leader of the group but he
changed his mind at the last second as he knew that his general knowledge was
restricted only into the games area.

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