Chapter Seven

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All preparations towards the environment day project named the ‘Let’s Live Greener’ that was commenced by Live Green Association was ready. The project was to go on a hike in the ‘the forest’ for about two weeks. The hike was in groups and 10 groups with each of 15 members had joined the project and their mission was to live plastic free. Or to make people aware that one can live with using just a little of plastic and greener. People all over America have shown great support towards the project and as the day neared excitement was shown through everyone’s faces. The president of the Association was sure that nothing could go
wrong and all the pre security measures were taken towards the safety of the members and the crew. They had chosen the ‘the forest’ because it was larger than
many forests and it also has some open space inside. Not large but small clearings that the campers can relax if they wanted to. The Directors of the Association had
called all the 10 leaders of the group and had warned them about the unsureness of the forest and however precautious there may be sometimes anything could go wrong and it could end up in trouble, so before anyone enrolled themselves to the project, they were to be warned about the danger they will have to face in the forest. Only the bravest of the brave can survive inside. It is not just a picnic. The forest is not a small garden that you can enter and exit without even knowing that anyone has gone inside but it is a massive dense rain forest that anything could happen at any time, and the members should be responsible in their actions.

Leaders kept their promise and they warned the members of their groups to be aware of the situation. The day neared and all the members started to get the
essentials. They were not allowed to bring any polythene to the forest. Only the leaders were given a map of the route they had to follow and safety patrols were located near the forest. But whoever falls ill inside has to survive it. Ambulances are also placed near the forest but not inside. The project was depended on team work. The members had good leaders. They just had to follow them and help each
other’s in the bad situations.


As the date of the hike neared Jack felt loneliness take over himself. Even if the matron was alive, he could speak to her but her times passed. Jack knew that writing down how he felt would help him but he couldn’t stand to think sitting in a place and writing down his feelings. Jack tried to forget the constant lump in his
throat and concentrate on his work. He just had a few days till the starting date of the hike and as he neither had friends nor family he was wondering whom he had
to say goodbye to. Jack knew that his only friend so far had been his phone and he couldn’t take it into the forest as there won’t be network to watch YouTube videos.
Jack had called his leader Fred and asked him about what to bring. Jack was in a puzzled situation. He felt as though the whole of his life is torn and was hanging on a loose thread that could fall apart at any second. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He didn’t know why had he signed the documents and now he doesn’t know what to take with him. Fred had helped him there. He asked Jack to bring some light foods and especially a box of First Aid. He was also asked to bring a
torch and lots of batteries. Jack thanked Fred and bought all the necessities from the store the next day. He brought three torches and 50 pieces of batteries. He also
brought a couple of bandages, medicines, plasters and also some ropes – just in case if he needed them. Jack was not asked to being either a sleeping bag or a tent
but he packed both of them along with his other items. After all his stuff was packed Jack looked around his home. He would have to leave it within a few days
only to return after two weeks – hopefully. As he neither had a family nor a pet he didn’t have to worry about their well being. Jack was feeling beaten that day and
he fell asleep with his work clothes.

Jack woke up the next day and cut a day off his calendar. He just had three days left to go. Jack visited the orphanage that day and informed the new matron
that he wouldn’t be able to visit them for a while and as he made way to his home his thought drifted back to the matron. He just had to accept what has happened.

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