Chapter Eight

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Ian felt the familiarity and the homeliness take over him as soon as he stepped through the forest. It was a bright morning but the forest was dense and the trees were placed very near to each one. So, it was a bit dim inside. But Ian who was used to fears, found this just as a challenge. He and his team mates made way
through the forest following the leader who was searching the map. Edward Downhill was in his late twenties and he was in the front of the group. Before they
had gone to the forest Edward had warned everyone about the danger in the forest and had asked them to stay close. He had taken Ian aside and had asked him to stay behind the group so he could keep an eye on everyone. Edward had known about Ian’s achievements and he was genuinely pleased that someone with experience was in his group. He was actually pleased and proud to be the leader. Half of the
group had been in hikes and some were professional hikers. Only two of the members were new to the field. They were the youngest of the group as well. So, Ian and Edward both kept a special eye on them.

The group walked for about an hour and the scene was uneventful. The members got to know watch other and they chatted all the way till Edward asked them to stop. They had reached a way of fork on the way and Edward needed some
time to go through the map. The denseness in the forest was a barrier on his way. He asked whether all had brought their torches and Edward lit his little pen torch and studied the map. They were marked to take left of the fork and he informed
the group about the change in the path and they moved again.

After walking continuously for a long time Katie, the youngest girl asked to take a break. The long walk had worn her out and she said that she can’t move a muscle. Edward was crossed but he allowed everyone to take a half an hour break. But he warned them to not to go far. They were all to be stayed with in his eye range. Katie sat heavily on the ground and Sam, the arrogant of the lot climbed on to a tree and sat on a branch. Edward gave him a dark look but he kept the thoughts
to himself. The others fell on the ground and some leaned on the tree trunks. Ian stood waiting. He counted everyone to make sure that no one was missing and
after he made sure of that he held a bottle of water to Katie. She took it from him and gulped loudly. She gave the bottle to Ian with half missing and Ian wanted to
speak his mind to her about the way of drinking water as little as possible as to save it for later on. But he didn’t say anything. The girl looked like she might cry if
anyone spoke up to her.

After about twenty five minutes Edward called for everyone and started with the walk again. Their path was all clear except for some branches which only Ian had to bend to avoid as he was the tallest in the group. Edward spoke once in a while and the group looked like they might fall asleep. Luckily Alice spoke up about her and the conversation started. Everyone talked about themselves and when it was Ian’s turn, he didn’t say much. He mentioned about his work and his mom but not his dad. A very curious Ben was going to ask Ian about his dad and he guessed the question from Ben even before he spoke up. Ian looked for a way of escape and
luckily, they had a very large tree trunk fallen across their way and Ian stopped everyone. Later both Ian and Edward helped everyone cross the trunk. At last Edward and Ian jumped over it and the party moved on the lurking question forgotten.


Edith was first time on a hike. She found everything about it interest her. She was very eager and it was a great advantage to have anyone as eager as her in the group. Christopher was teaching her all he knew about hikes and sometimes Tony noticed the not so friendly look he was giving her. Edith was mute of that fact and
she kept on asking Chris more about the forest. Tony felt as he should pull Edith aside and warn her about Chris’s dark looks but he couldn’t do it without Chris
noticing. Even though if it was just the first day Tony felt the responsibleness of the situation. After sometime of Edith walking side by side with Chris she turned
back and looked at Tony. His face was dark. She stopped and let others pass her and she fell into step beside him. Tony smiled at her and placed his hand across
her shoulder.

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