Oshibana Station

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Mikela's POV

After everyone was on the train, Erza filled everyone else in on what we were doing. Of course Erza knocked out Natsu first so he would stop complaining about his motion sickness. Of course I zoned out for the majority of the trip. I only caught that we are going up against Eisenwald and they were going after the lullaby flute. By the time I came out of the zone, there was food so I grabbed a sandwich. They started talking about each other's magic. Erza dodged the question and redirected the question to Gray. He demonstrated his magic for us. He uses ice make magic! It was so pretty! Ah man! No! I am not going to grow close to Gray! Every time I get close to a guy they either leave or threaten to kill me! You may think I am being paranoid, but let's see you go through what I did and be completely fine mentally. I don't want to have a crush on him, but I think I do... What am I going to do?! We pulled up to the train stop but we realized that we left a still passed out Natsu on the train. Erza went straight to where the emergency train stop and pulled the switch. The staff yelled at us but we were already on the way to where the train stopped to get Natsu. Once we got to the train on the magic mobile Natsu came flying out of the train. It looked like he was attacked. Then he hit Gray as he was falling. We stopped the magic mobile and Gray was yelling at Natsu. Then Natsu said, " I was attacked by some weirdo." Erza was then yelling at him saying that person was from Eisenwald and how could Natsu let that person get away. We got back in the magic mobile and followed the train through a couple stations to Oshibana station which was shut down. The staff at the station were saying it was because of a derailed train, but I knew they were lying. We went into the building looking for the small branch of military that went in to fight the Eisenwald guild. We found them, but they were really beat up. We walked a little further, and we found the dark wizards. Erigor said, "train stations have PA systems. Thousands of nosey onlookers have gathered to look at the action. When they hear Lullaby's song all of them will fall into the eternal rest!" Then he left, presumably to enact his plan. Erza sent Gray and Natsu after Erigor. At first they were against the idea, but one look from Erza sent them running. That left me, Erza and Lucy to deal with Eisenwald. Erza started attacking with a sword that appeared out of thin air! Then the sword changed to a spear. She must user equip magic. She can equip at an amazing speed! Once I was done being impressed, I noticed some Eisenwald people coming to attack me. I turned to them and yelled, "Storm magic: Hail storm!" Suddenly baseball sized hail started hitting them in the head. Lucy also attacked with one of her spirits and before you knew it, the fight was over. Erza sent Lucy to go track down one of the Wizards that ran away. I didn't move and I saw Erza start to fall. I rush over and catch her before she hits the ground. She must have used up a lot of magic power. We wait there for a few minutes for Erza to regain a little strength. She then grabs a megaphone, goes out onto a balcony, and within seconds causes a panic by telling everyone they will die if they stay here. She doesn't know how to do anything politely does she? Though I get the feeling she would kill me if I told her that. Suddenly Erigor appears and casts a barrier wind spell around the station. He reveals that this station was nothing more than a trap and uses a spell to push me and Erza in. Immediately Erza tries to get out but is pushed back into the building. Just looking at her arm I can tell she sprained her wrist. I go to her side and say, "hold still. Let me heal your arm." She stares as a golden light envelopes her wrist. The light fades and she looks at me and smiles saying, "thank you very much." As she says this I feel the pain creep into my wrist. Let me explain. My healing magic is different from others. It can not actually heal anything, it just takes a persons injury and transfers it to the caster. Gray and Natsu have been gone a while. I wonder if they are ok?  Gray answers my own question when he suddenly came bursting into the hall and saying that Eisenwald was targeting the guild masters! Oh no Gramps! Erza explains the barrier. Wait that kageyama guy from earlier, he can dispell barriers. I quickly tell Erza and she agrees that we have to find kageyama. We find him and Natsu fighting. Erza wastes no time and threatens him into helping us. I swear, would it kill her to say please every now and then. Right as he agrees to help, the run away wizard Lucy was looking for comes through the wall and stabs kageyama through the stomach. Problem! In this condition he can't help at all. Then Erza looks up at me and say, " that's right! Mikela you can use healing magic can't you? Heal kageyama!" She looks at me full of hope. If I heal him I will get the same wound as him and it looks pretty bad. But if I don't then me and my friends are trapped here, Kageyama will die and so will the guilmasters. I know what have to do. I look Erza straight in the eye and say, " I will do it."

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