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At 100YK was the beginning of the world. The world was created by two gods. Venga, the Goddess of Life, and Hokka the god of death. These 2 children will be new gods. Marin, Goddess of Creation. Marin made World called «Eternia» it was world filled with bountiful of Resources. Venga also help her to make a life in the world. As the gods test new human in world the civilization grew. Naturia a young goddess. She decide to spice it up. She made Demi-Humans and Mythical creatures. She even made portal to another world called «Terra»(Earth) bringing human with Eastern, Western and Northern culture. At 1000YK Hokka decide to begin the disaster bringing him Disease, death, undead, curses and ancient ruins with weapons. He destroyed portal to ashes.

Eterina was bigger then Terra, two times bigger, with bigger resource. Human made region for world, Anton Region, Mythikal Region, Vixenia Region and Nvidia Region.

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