Act II : Memories

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After two days of preparations, it was final day for Mintel festival. People loved festival, shows, street food, mini games and also fireworks. Thanks to Senior Officer Ilya for borrowing cannons from Northern war. Kids couldn't be patient for festival same with Karen. She loved festival especially fireworks. Sometimes fireworks would explode like blooming Lotus flower shine like a waves of colorful lights in northern. Aster however wasn't surprised for the festival, he lived under war and home locked, never thought about festivals or parties.

Aster and Karen would walk around streets for entertaining and having fun also.

They also wore Traditional old Vixenia clothes. As they walked and walked seeing entertaining stalls in crowd people on streets.

«You like my dress?»

«Your dress?. Well they look good.»

«Is that all you gonna say to me, not like this «Oh you soo cute with that clothes.» Like that?» with her disappointed face.

«No wonder your unpopular with girls.» she mumbled.

«What did you say?»

«Nothing..» she answered.

She stopped walking, saw that she wanted.

«Hey look at this stall, they sell lovely necklace.» she said.

«They do look beautiful, but they are more beautiful then you.» He answered with smug face.

«How dare you say it to me» She turn around her head with angry face.

«How much is this one?» She pointed at Light Cyan, with dark navy blue colored Gem necklace.

«uhh, that will be 50 golden coins.» said shopkeeper with strange familiar voice, that Aster knows..

Aster was shocked when he sees his face..

«Wait.. Is that you Captain of 5th Battalion, Maksmir Rajesh?!» he said out loud..

Maksmir served as Captain of 5th battalion during Northern war he was received 9 medals, 3 of them was Iron cross, 2 Grand order, one 1 Order of Vixenia, 2 Merit of Honour and last and finally Medal of Valor. Aster was served under command of Maksmir.

«Ho ho ho, long time no seen Senior Trainee Aster. And also call me Raj, i hate people saying my name full name.» «SORRY, CAPTAIN RAJ» Aster said it while bowing down.

Everyone were looking at them

«Calm down your PP, go eat spicy Tandoori chicken. Look, your in public try stay normal as you can ,Aster..» he said to try calm down Aster.

He handed out Necklace that she pointed gave it her. «Don't have to pay just deal with it»

«Alright...» She was confused and they walked towards the seaside to see the fireworks.

As they were at the coastline of sea, beach was cover people. So no place for Picnic near coastline.. «That smucks, no delicious lunch with your cooking.» said Aster and very disappointed. She chuckled «Well looks like there will be no lunch today..» as soon they see firework shoots in skies.. crowded enjoyed. Karen and Aster looked up to see the last firework. «Beautiful..» her minds was filled enjoyable stuff just like the others. But for Aster, that last explosion. He remembered something.. Something in battlefield...

As he heard explosive, He hear scream of death is coming, he stood still battlefield covered blood that he killed in front of him. The sins that he killed will be never forgiven. Cannon shells were pounding in frontlines of battlefield, as he can see flying dead children bodies flying around, some of them saw children sitting in cover screaming for help. Nothing we can do just push and push.. until hail of arrows hitting us leaving our dead comrade on ground. But we order to keep pushing and pushing.. 4th ,5th and 3rd Battalion had to be station on top of capture hill to help evacuate the main army.. as they were finish evacuated they were surrounded by their most elite Netlian army. 4th ,5th and 3rd were exhausted from previous battle, now this was our last stand.. 4th cowardly retreated back main camp, now it was only 5th and 3rd. 3rd charge at them all they had, heavily casualties they have taken half of enemies army... but 3rd sacrifice themselves for victory. If we retreated, we have lost all our soldier for nothing, so our Commander decide to do is to stand till were dead. Aster look turn his head to his right. He saw girl nervously, scared, she was unprepared for this situation, this will be same for others.. Most of soldier, begged commander to retreat or surrender, but it was too late for request. Enemies were slowing pushing to hill, Commander said his last words «PREPARE FOR CHARGE!!» Some people were thinking «Were all going die.», «Its impossible», «I wanna go home.». 5th was prepare for charge with all they have arrows, spears, swords and rocks. Girl next to Aster said her last words. «If i die ,Remember about good times we had with 5th Battalion, alright.» Maksmir and Aster promise that her words.

As enemies were firing at us, we began to scream at them. «YOU WILL NEVER TAKE OUR LIFE, WE CAN'T DIE WE ARE 5TH BATTALION AND WE ARE IMMORTAL.» commander scream at them giving us morale to fight. «CHAR-» the commander got shot by stray arrow, but commander dies, the highest rank in the 5th takes responsibility and that was Maksmir.. «CHARGE!» he yelled. They return them back with hail of arrows as we began to clash each other frontline, we were heavily push back, but since we have high ground, we were available to to push back as hard as we can like battering ram. Aster just jump behind their enemies lines and counterattack them. It was successful, they were quickly wipe out by netlian bowmen. 5th had about 23 soldier left, netlians had 47 left. So they gave them with another hard push , but this time they left huge gap with made netlian has a upper hand. Meanwhile girl that was scared was sent to get some help by local village. 5th had to backup, because of huge gap. So Netlian charge all they had against them, suddenly they were flanked by Aster tiny squad with counterattack.

Its been 3 hours and Netlian Elite had lost Around 200 Soldier, 3rd Battalion: 554 Casualties finally 5th Battalion: 685 Casualties... with remaining of 5 people.. fought till death. Maksmir, Aster, Renai, Karen and Ilya. For them it was miracle, Aster and Ilya decide to find girl who tried to get some help. Near tree.... with blood trail..... on ....road lied body that girl who tried to get some help, ...died. Aster was shock to see this, his knees were paralyzed.. «You got be kidding me..», «No, don't die on me yet..», « I promise that ill bring you home.» « n- now your» he tears is falling. «There no use shes dead» said Ilya with disgrace face. Her eyes were open, «i-is that... A-ster?» She answered. «Your alive?» Aster respond and hugs her.

«Is alright to cry» she said, her body is bleeding real quick. She is coughing blood. Her very last words that i wont forget. «Aster, i'm scare to die, but when i'm dead i feel cold, pain is hurting me, i cant feel anything.»

Her eyes is filled with tears. «I wish i could see you when i'm alive.» that was her last breath.. she close her eyes.., he puts her down on under the tree puts flower on her on top of her chest. Ilya puts blanket over her body. «When their something important that you lost, that thing that you lost will never come back.» said Ilya walk away.. as reinforcement came clean up the mess, remaining of 5th was order to come back Head quarter. That battle will never be forgotten, they will never forgot the face of their comrade died in that battle..

«Aster, Aster, Aster?»

«huh?» answer Aster

«Your alright? Its 11pm we should go back home, Everyone is packing up.» She said with curiosity face.

«Oh sorry»

They walk back to Icarus mansion, Karen question about him.

«Aster?, what were you thinking back there, you stood there looking the skies for 2 minutes.» ask Karen.

«Well, lets just say my imagnation..» He answer.

«Quite funny guy, aren't you?» She giggle

«Lets go home shall we?»

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