Act: VI Preparation

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1316YK Märke 10:00am 10km to the Northern Front.

Northern Front, where First battle that started the Vixenia-Netalian War. As 1st Black Grenadier marched in double column line with black banner. Through giant battlefield, dead rotten children corpses, swords, spears even bodies were put to spikes. Up in skies was mass crow flying around, eating up the flesh. Eshter was disgusted by the smell. The smell of rotten bodies were enough to make someone vomit. But Black Grenadier Soldier was trained to handle any condition. In front of Eshter was Black hair that was tainted by Purple Runyir. His right eye was tainted in purple also. His Amulet glows every time he passes body. His face wasn't making any emotion like he was frozen. In Antonia Region he was called «Reaper..» since he has killed around more then 100,0000 deaths past 100 years. Some say that Goddess Venga sacrificed her eyes to the Jibizel the guardian of paths to let him live for 500 years. Immortal.. As he notice Local villager helping cleaning the battlefield and burning bodies. They can smell burnt corpse.

«That smell makes me really sick..» Eshter was getting sick of that smell.

«How the hell can you even handle that smell, Sui.» He said person that was in front of him.

He turn his around head looked at him. Esther was getting chilled from Sui's glare. His eyes were nothing but eyes that he has killed from the past. «Get use to it, Eshter and remember your leading most elite regiment and core for FSV don't let your boys and girls die in your eyes.» Sui was saying like he knows what his doing. His Clothes was blue coat that looked like Navy coat with black cloak trimmed in golden leaf representative as luck and wealth. Sui spotted something weird, raised his hands order soldier to halt. Soldier looked around what he was stopping for apparently spotted 2 squad that are aiming at left and right. They were young around Aster and Karen age. Their uniform were cadet uniform, which only means they are Young Volunteer which they used for fighting against Netalian. Now they are not going against Native people. What their up against is Elite Foreign Soldier that has specialized at fighting with rifles, bayonet, and grenades. «Don't hide, we can see you.» Sui yelled. His eyes gave them chills down their spine. These student we're too scared to fight, but they have to. As draw his sword walked slowly in middle. «No one? I might as well give you chance. Ill fight you all at once. But if you managed to defeat me We will turn back.» Black Grenadier and Eshter were standing behind like spectator. Two of the student pop out stood up. One girl and boy. As they walked in front of Sui in middle of battlefield. The atmosphere changed. As they both ready stance, and Sui went of different stance his exposing unguarded body to enemy. Enemy student charged in the girl was behind him supporting him. But Sui quickly swinged his sword making huge cling to boy. The two sword clang making sparks. While they were blocking the girl with lance thrust her lance to Sui making him backing off. «Not bad.» Sui responded. «We're better then everyone we are elite five.» he said while sword was clashing. «Better?? You might have to change your mind little elite four.» Sui gave him surprise attack against them. As enemy did veritcal cut, Sui dodged went below aiming his feet. Boy felt down the ground slaming his head right to mud. She thrusted her spear but she thrust without thinking. They have never felt how it feels like to get nearly get killed reality.

Sui grabbed spear drag her down right mud with him. Sui went to person that he cut his legs off. He looked down on him. While he was in pain. Sui took his sword stabbed him right at his chest several times. «Die, die, die, die... You filthy peasant.» Blood splatter was everywhere even Sui whole body. As he turn around giving him a smile to the enemy. They feared... as they looked Sui covered in blood with sword and creepy smile. His a demon. As enemy bravely used rifle to aim at him. «PRESENT, AIM.» As Sui looked at them he was annoyed. «Out of my way.» He took out his right arm began to cast spell at them «Form object box, element Energyr.» The Transparent box surrounded whole Black grenadier and Sui. «Reflected shield» as he said transparent box glows. As Enemy fired at transparent box ricochet right at enemy causing heavy damage. As they tried run Sui didn't let them escape so he cast another spell. «Form Object Sphere. Element Fyr, Eikayr, Energyr. Explosion Blast.» Sui threw a glowing lava sphere at them made huge explosion. That killed everyone on his eyes. Burned crisp and fresh horrible smell. Eshter and Grenadier walked forward.. «What should we do with her.» She lying down looking at Sui face. She was paralyzed so couldn't move. «Might as well remove her memory, put her into nearby village.» said Sui.

1316YK Märke 01:00pm Day 2 Northern Checkpoint.

As sun rises in cold temperature. Karen sat down pool of hot water. Hot springs are best thing to do in Winter day. When you get cold, and all stressed and exhaust from hard work. But once you go naked in warmed up hot spring you can feel heat of warmth healing your body. «Hah... nothing beats a good all hot spring. Good thing I went local village for bath.» she looked up on the moon. Soldier in battlefield haven't taken shower only thing they can clean with body is wet towel from Ice cold water from the river. After few minute relaxing in water. She thought about something. She was thinking about Aster. Karen knew that he was Netalian, but he did mention that he had sister that was forgotten.

Aster Ilda, Ilda wasn't his real last name. That was family name given by Maid family that taught him how live as western. Aster parent died at Netalian massacre. He forced himself to weapon against netalian. He's the last Fendrykrian tribe. «Aster, what are you..» She softly muttered herself. She started feel dizzy from heat of water. As she went conscious she can hear voice of female voice, that shes heard. «Hurry..» She sees girl with lotus flower on her left ear attached. She drags her into light source. They walked through light, behind that light was Little boy and little girl elder than boy, they holding hands together. Karen recognized boy it was Aster and girl that holding him has no idea. She had blue dress with same hair color as Aster. As girl dragging her into hole, Karen panicked and flee almost went out of breath. The last word she heard from girl who dragged her to hole. «Hurry..»

She woke up in her bed in camp, She quickly looked around herself. She looked at her right and sees Aster lying down on the ground reading Light novel about fishing in the seas. «It was dream..» she said out loud. Aster turned around notice that she was awake. «Hm? Is there something wrong?»

She shake her head looked down «No, I'm alright.» Aster was worried.. «Are you sure your alright.»

Her hands were shaking, her mind was the word Hurry. «Aster, Who are you..» She said with straight face looked at him. He respond with unexpected and obvious face «I'm human being what do you expect?» «No, that what I mean't. Aster, who is that girl in blue dress who you were together.»

Aster quickly went silent. He closed the book. «That's just girl that know from the past.» he smiled turn head around and walk out of tent. She tried reach out her hand.. she was paralyzed. As Aster went out he notice team of scout came back from recon and talking to Maksmir. He's face was terrified. Aster didn't know until they notice it in battlefield.

As they began to attack the Northern checkpoint. They were not expecting

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To be continued.....

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