Act: V Encounter

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Aster woke up, and looked at ceiling. «Oh it's morning..» He felt something heavy on his right side. «Good morning, darling.» he heard soft voice very close to his face. «Oh Karen when did you became succubus.. geez.» He tried to keep poker face and his heart was rapidy beating. It was Karen, but this time she didn't slap Aster this morning. Her Silvered silky hair touching his arm and her exposed breast was hold tight with his arms.

«So what where you doing when I was sleeping?» he asked to her. «I was just helping give you warm so you don't get cold, but..» Wonder what that could be? her smile faded away. «What do we do now, we are married couple. Nothing us to do also.» Aster looked at bright blue eyes. «Is that true your Netalian, and you lied to me that your from different country.» he took slow nodd. «I see..» she took slow breath. Aster was just looking at her eyes trying to not look at breast. «My Father told me he was one who killed all your family and whole tribe.» she tear began fall again. «I'm such a crybaby. I'm-I'm sorry Aster. You can just kill me if you want.» those harsh word Aster. He can feel the rage inside of him, What he know that she was just puppet or just doll for the Miyulian family. «With 367 Deaths in that Fendrykrain Village and only one survived and that was me..» he mumbled. «There no Reason kill you, Karen.» «huh?» She halted her crying and wipe the tears from the eyes. «You don't remember? Didn't you told me that you left family before going to Ahodira.» She remember saying that. «Besides I have no intention killing you. Your my wife..» She took her arms around my head. «Aster...» She mumbled. Suddenly She remembered something «Ah. I forgot breakfast is getting cold.» «HUH?!» Aster suddenly gets up ran kitchen. Looks like his legs can walk. «Aww chicken stew is cold even cereal is soggy.» He said out loud with sad tone. «You know you can reheat the stew, Dumbass.» said Karen while she was putting her clothes. «I guess your IQ level is very low.» «Shut up.» Suddenly loud noise from the town. That doesn't sounded like Meteor or Bell clock. «What was that?» She ran to window check what happened. She saw large smoke from the town. «Smoke?» she confused. Aster ran to window checked. He had binocular looked at smoke closely «That's not a normal smoke from burn house is a Artillery shell.» «Artillery? So are we underattacked?» She was surpised, panicked. «Most likely. But how are getting underattacked?» «Netalian?» She answered «The Netalian Surrendered for long time ago they won't go to war. They all went to Northern contraction camp near Northern border.

+ This place is god damn Neutral autonomous region.» As more artillery striked at town. They started to hear gunshots. «Gun shots?» «Aster, I see something coming at us?» Aster took the binocular looked at Karen was pointing at. «Senior Officer Ilya? From the 5th Battalion?»

Aster and Karen put on their old Military coat waited Senior Officer Ilya come to us.

As Ilya arrived to Aster Residence his Uniform has changed. Blue cuffs with White coat that camouflage like the snow. «What's going on, Ilya.» She said. «We don't have time for explanation We got under attacked by New Army of Vixenia.» «New Army?» Aster was little bit curious. «Yeah well, we got no time for that. Anyways Senior Trainee take this Submachine gun.» He tossed him a automatic weapon freshly made from factory. «Junior Trainee I want you to evacuate all civilians in that town safely to mountains.» «Yes, sir.» Said Karen and Aster. Karen notice that Aster knows how to use it, Karen is little bit curious what it does. But what more curious that how Vixenia would be attacking Neutral region. During 1714YK the Ahodira Region will be Independent. They will be not attacking the Ahodira. If Ahodira is allied with connection to Free States of Vixenland the Ahodira will violate the treaty. Since past these 3 month Aster and Karen did know what going on outside of Ahodira region. Civil war has started, Makismir and Ilya became Special Officer to lead Militia to stop election in Etilla. But it was too late. The new President is Imperia Miyula Karen's Father. Turning Vixenia Political power to «Absolute Nationalist Monarchy.» Which made Vixenia Mobilizing whole military with now weapons, guns, New artillery, battleships and more. Sui's Army are chasing down Main army, While Maksmir and Ilya will be clearing route to Etilla so the FSV Marines will be pushing with their armored tanks to frontline. As Maksmir holding the frontline with Militia. Ilya went to Ahodira to ask Aster's help to stop Imperia movement.

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