The Waitress

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The first time he met her was in the elevator of his apartment building, he had just made the long trip home from work with rain pouring down and drenching him to the bone. Despite his sour mood due to the rain and the all too familiar looks strangers gave him, he still held open the elevator door as she called out to him. When she made it in, arms full with a large cardboard box with various objects inside, she smiled and thanked him. Arthur just gave a nod as he tended up and stared at the ground, talking to people, especially women, had never been one of his strong suits.

"I'm Trina by the way."

He looked up at her with a curious expression, was she actually talking to him?

"I just moved here, I live on the third floor."

"I-I'm Arthur, I live there too."

She smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Arthur, hopefully, I'll get to see you around."

"Y-Yeah, hopefully," he murmured as the doors opened and she stepped out, he watched her as she made her way to her apartment, taking a mental note that she only lived five doors down.

The second time he saw her was when he stopped by the diner next to his apartment complex after work. He was sat at one of the many empty booths and was busy writing random "jokes" that came into his head.

"More coffee, sir?"

He slammed his journal shut out of instinct before looking up, there stood Trina, coffee pot in hand, long blonde curly hair draping over her shoulders, and a knee-length pink dress with a white apron tied neatly around her waist.

"Oh, I know you, your Arthur right?"

She actually remembered him?

"Y-Yeah, and your Trina?"

"The very same," she laughed, "How're you doing?"

Arthur lifted his cup so she could refill it, "I'm doing alright, best you can be in this city," he mumbled, "How are you?"

She sighed, "Pretty good, long day, can't wait to get home and get some sleep."

"Yeah," Arthur smiled as he stared down at his journal sheepishly.

"What's that?" Trina questioned.

"Oh, it's um, it's a journal. I write down random things in it and it's where I keep my jokes. I'm a comedian, or trying to be one at least."

"Really? I'd love to see some of your stand-ups sometime."

"Really?" Arthur beamed.

"Of course, be sure to let me know when you do it," Trina smiled before turning away to leave.

"Trina!" Arthur helped as he shot up from the booth, Trina turned around in surprise due to his 

sudden outburst, "I-I was just wondering if maybe after work you'd like to get coffee?"

Arthur rubbed the back of his neck nervously, Trina bit her lip, "I'm sorry Arthur I have a busy day tomorrow, I'm going to need to head home as soon as my shift ends."

Arthur's face flushed due to the embarrassment, looking at everything other than her, "Oh right, yeah, s-sorry I didn't mean-"

"But if you don't mind staying around until my shift ends we can walk back to the complex together."

"R-Really? I mean, yeah sure!"

Trina laughed as Arthur smiled as big as a kid on Christmas, "My shift ends in about an hour, your mind waiting-"

"No, no, I don't mind at all! I-I'll wait here till your done!" Arthur exclaimed as he sat back down into the booth.

Trina laughed again at his eagerness, "Alright Arthur, I'll see when my shift is over."

"Alright, I see you then, Trina," Arthur mumbled out her name as she walked away, a smile curling his lips.

The first time Trina had ever heard him laugh was on one of the many nights they walked home together. Arthur had begun to make a habit of stopping by the diner after work and waiting there until Trina was done with work, that way they could walk home together. While Arthur was a little odd Trina welcomed the company, she felt a lot safer with him then she would have walked home all alone.

They were busy talking about work, Arthur's work in particular when someone ran passed them and knocked Arthur to the ground. He lost his grip on his bag as it fell into a heap on the ground, his journal falling out of it and randomly opening to one of his many pages covered in naked women.

"Oh my god, Arthur, are you ok?" Trina gasped and quickly knelt next to him and helped him up.

"Yeah I'm fine," he mumbled as he patted down the back of his slacks.

"Here let me get- oh my god!" Trina covered her mouth as she stared at the pornography splayed out in Arthur's journal.

Arthur yelped and snatched it up from the ground, cheeks blood red, "I-I'm so sorry I-"

Arthur was cut off as laughter started to creep out of his throat, the laughter only became louder as Trina stared at him with a look of confusion and disgust. Trina stared in utter disbelief as Arthur covered his mouth and turned from her, continually trying to gasp out an apology. Trina's disgusted started to turn into concern as Arthur gagged and clutched his throat, tears falling from his eyes.

"A-Arthur, are you alright?" Trina questioned as she hesitantly walked towards him.

"I, I," he paused to hiccup, "I have a-"

He burst out laughing, humbling with his pockets as he tried to retrieve his card.

Trina rested her hand on his back, "Calm down Arthur, try to take deep breathes." Arthur nodded and gagged as he clutched his journal to his chest, "I-I'm sorry, Trina."

"For the laughing or the porn?"

"Both," Arthur coughed as he began to calm down, "I have a condition, I-I have a card," he said as he searched his pockets again, "I-It explains everything, I-I don't know where I put it."

"Do you think you can explain it to me?" She questioned, still rubbing his back.

He nodded as he swallowed thickly, "I-I have a condition where I laugh at random a-and inappropriate moments, I don't mean I do it, I don't want to do it-"

"It's alright Arthur, you can't help it. There's no need to apologize, well, for the laughing at least."

"I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't, I know I shouldn't, I just-"

"It's fine Arthur," Trina sighed, still disturbed by the images, "I shouldn't judge, what people do in there personal time is none of my business. Though word from the wise, don't put pictures like that in things you'll bring out in public."

Arthur nodded as he finally started to regain his composure. "I'm sorry, Trina."

Trina remained quiet and she pulled her hand away from him, neither of them made eye contact. Arthur gripped his journal harder as he heard Trina's heels tap away from him.

"Are you coming?"

He looked up in surprise, she was about three feet away from with her arms crossed, a look of frustration and curiosity.

"You, you still want to walk home with me?"

"It's not really like I have much of a choice," she frowned, "We're both heading the same way."

Arthur frowned and slowly nodded before walking up to her. The rest of the journey home was an awkward silence, Arthur felt nothing but guilt and self-hatred as he slowly drifted behind her. It was the same when they reached the apartment complex, the same with the elevator, and when they finally reached their floor, Trina left without a word.  

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