Fantasy (NSFW)

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"So, what type of things are you into, besides naked women?" Trina grinned; her hands wrapped around her coffee mug.

Arthur blushed, "Well, I also like the Murray show."

"Isn't he the late-night host who always ends the show saying 'that's life'?"

He nodded, "Yeah, he's really funny, he's what got me into comedy."

Trina smiled, "My father used to watch him every night, personally, I feel like you can outdo him when it comes to comedy."

"You haven't even heard my stand up yet."

"I don't need to; I think you're funny already."

Arthur smiled and let out a laugh, "Thanks Trina, but what about you? Have you lived here in Gotham your whole life?"

Trina sighed, "No, I used to live on the outskirts with my parents. I moved here to 'make it big,' but it's not going to well so far."

"Make it big, doing what?"

"Singing," Trina responded after taking a sip of her coffee, "My family always told me I had a beautiful voice and that I should try to become a singer. I don't know though, maybe they're just saying that."
Arthur frowned, "I don't think so."

"Arthur, you haven't even heard me sing."

"I don't need to, I mean, you already look like a singer!"

Trina cocked her brow, "What does that mean?"

"I-I mean that you're beautiful and so are singers so you'll fit right in," Arthur stammered as his cheeks darkened.

Trina smiled, "That's sweet Arthur, you look like a comedian yourself."

"You mean old and wrinkled?"

Trina laughed, bringing a smile onto Arthur's face, "You'll be a great comedian, Arthur."

It was late when Arthur finally got home, after getting coffee with Trina they walked around the city for a little bit before it got too dark. Arthur was smiling ear to ear as he pulled off his jacket and hung it on the coat hanger. He looked up from setting down his keys to see his mother asleep on the couch and the ending to the Murray show playing, he smiled and walking over to his mother.

"Mom, come on, time to go to bed," he whispered as he gently shook her awake.

Penny hummed as she groggily woke up, "Oh happy, did you check the mail?"

"Yes mom, there was nothing there," Arthur whispered as he helped her walk to the bedroom.

"I don't understand why he won't write me back."

Arthur sighed as he sat her down onto the bed, "Don't worry about it mom, just go back to sleep."

He heard her mumble something before crawling under the covers, he kissed her forehead and wished her goodnight before returning to the living room. He sat down onto the couch with a huff. He couldn't stop thinking about the night he had with Trina, he smiled as he remembered her laugh. Her laugh was already music to his ears, he couldn't imagine how amazing her voice must be. He hummed as he grabbed his journal, he just thought of another joke that he could write down. When he opened his journal, he was greeted with a picture of a naked woman with creamy skin and long blonde hair, she looked up at him seductively, gently biting the tip of her finger while her other hand rested dangerously close to her womanhood.

Arthur swallowed thickly as he stared at the picture, images of Trina started playing in his head. Images of her laughing soon turned into images of her moaning, thoughts of her leaning against the wall of the elevator with her hands running up and down her body, grabbing her breasts and squeezing. Arthur's breath hitched and he breathed out shakily, the slacks where beginning to feel tighter as more thoughts of Trina played out in Arthur's mind. He wondered what she looked like without that uniform she wore if she wore underwear like the women did in the pictures he kept. He wondered if she had ever touched herself, what if she touched herself to the thought of him?

Arthur let out a barely audible moan as he imagined her lying on her bed with her hand buried in between her legs, moaning his name. Arthur couldn't handle it anymore, he unbuckled his belt and pulled out his cock, it already glistening with pre-cum. He bit his lip as he thump ran over his slit, has Trina ever slept with someone? A pang of jealousy rushed through Arthur, he wanted Trina to be his and his alone. He didn't want anyone to see her beautiful curves and to feel her soft skin.

Arthur's head fell back against the couch as he ran his hand down his cock, he began to imagine Trina sitting in front of him. She smiled up at him as her hand runs up and down his cock, she leans down and begins to lap up his pre-cum. Arthur moans shakily, his hips snapping upward, Trina giggles before licking up from the base of his cock up to the head before shoving his entire length down her throat. Arthur clasps his hand over his mouth as he snaps his hips upward, Trina laughs and holds his hips down. She begins to bob her head up and down on his cock while moaning softly, before too long she pulls off and pants, saliva, and pre-cum staining her lips and chin.

"Fuck me, Arthur," she whispers breathlessly before standing up.

Her body completely naked and practically glowing in the moonlight. Arthur stares at her, his mouth agape and letting out shallow breathes. He grabs her hips and pulls her down onto his lap so now she is straddling him, his hands run up and down her body. Grabbing her breasts and squeezing them gently before latching onto her left nipple with his lips and sucking gently. Trina's head falls back as she lets out a soft moan, her fingers digging into his hair.

"Arthur, please," she whispers breathlessly.

Arthur moans as he grabs her hips and presses the tip of his cock against her entrance. They both moan in unison as he pushes in, her tight walls slowly parting to make way for his invading cock.

"Oh, Arthur," Trina sobs as she clenches around him.

Arthur moans as he grinds his hips against hers, she rests her hands on his shoulders and begins to bounce up and down on his cock. He watches with amazement as her flowing blonde hair and breasts bounce with each movement, her lips parted and eyes closed as she lets out soft moans of pleasure.

Arthur grabs a fistful of her hair and pulls her down into a sloppy kiss as he wraps his other arm around her and snaps his hips upward. Trina squeals out in pleasure as her fingers get entangled in his hair, he reluctantly lets go of her hair and runs his fingers against her clit. She tosses her head back and lets out a loud moan, Arthur buries his head into her neck and starts to kiss and nipple at the delicate skin, his fingers rubbing circles against her clit.

"Oh Arthur," she cried, "I'm close!"

Arthur let out a moan as she clenched around him.

"So am I Trina, fuck, I'm gonna cum," he gasped.

Trina whimpered and started to grind her hips against him, "Oh god, Arthur, cum inside me baby, please!" She cried out.

"Oh, oh, Trina!" He moaned loudly as he quickened the pace of his fingers.

He was so close, he needed her to finish with him, Trina continued to bounce up and down and let out cries of pleasure as her climax continued to build.

"Trina!" Arthur grunted out as his climax hit him like a sack of bricks.

His warm seed landing on his shirt and covering his hand and he continued to stroke himself until he was fully spent. He let out a satisfied sigh as he rested against the couch cushions, allowing his afterglow to fully embrace him. The finally imagine he contorted of Trina was her smiling down at him before pressing a soft kiss onto his forehead.

"I love you, Arthur."

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