I will never be enough (Final Chapter)

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Arthur stood over her sleeping form, water dripped off his clothes and wetting the floor. His brow furrowed as he stared at her, it would be so easy to wrap his hands around her throat and just kill her right here and now. Seeing her life drain from her eyes, he wondered if it would be like the man he killed on the stairs if it would fill him with as much pleasure as killing that bastard did. He assumed not, seeing as Trina had always been there for him while the bastard on the subway had only mocked and ridiculed him, but he wouldn't know unless he tried. He walked towards her, hands reaching out, they were practically touching her throat.


Trina was sitting up in her bed, staring at him with fear and confusion. Why was he still standing at the end of her bed, did he just imagine walking over to her?

"Arthur, what're you doing, are you ok?" she asked, clutching her blanket to her chest.

Arthur stared at her, the fear in her eyes did nothing for him. He didn't feel the same sick pleasure as he did with the men in the subway.

"I had a bad day," he whispered as lightning struck, illuminating his slouched figure.

Trina just stared at him and he stared back, and before she could come up with the courage to ask him what happened, he turned around and walked out of her apartment. She sat there, her heart bonding as the processed what just happened. It was official, her boyfriend was going insane and she had no one to turn to. She sat there, debating what to do if she should call the police, but what would they charge him for? Breaking and entering? Maybe, but she told Arthur he could come in whenever he needed to.

She jumped as she heard his shrill laughter from down the hall, this laughter was the worst she had heard it. He barely stopped to breath, sirens echoed as red and blue lights sat outside the apartment building. Shivers ran down her spine as the laughter only got louder throughout the night.

As soon as the sun peaked over the horizon, Trina got out of the apartment building and practically ran to the diner. Once in she ran into the bathroom and started weeping, she curled up against the sink as tears streamed down her eyes.

There was a soft knock at the door before Sarah's head popped in a look of concern displayed on her face as she opened the door and walked in, Bill standing behind her. Sarah knelt down next to her as Trina gasped for air, Bill hung up an 'out of order' sign
on the bathroom door before coming into the bathroom and kneeling in front of her.

"Trina, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice soft and caring.

"It's Arthur," Trina wept, "There's something wrong with him."

Trina stayed in the back of the restaurant the entire day, Bill believing it was for the best due to Arthur's mental state and Trina's fear of him coming to look for her, he never did though. When it was time for the diner to close Sara offered Trina to stay at her apartment, which Trina was quick to accept.

"Let me just head to my apartment, I need to get a few things," Trina said as she turned to walk to the apartment building.

"You can't be serious," Sarah scoffed, "You're seriously going back there, you can just use my things."

Trina bit her lip, "N-No, it's fine, he hasn't tried anything yet today so-"

"Trina, it's a bad idea," Bill said, his voice stern, "He could be waiting for you at your apartment, besides, it's dangerous to go with all these riots going on."

Trina frowned, a part of her still believing that Arthur would never do anything to hurt her, he loved her, "No, no it'll be fine, he won't hurt me."

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