Reality (NSFW)

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"Assholes!" Trina snapped as she threw open the door to Arthur's apartment.

"Trina please, my mom is sleeping," Arthur shushed her as he followed close behind, holding onto his side as he did.

Trina growled as she opened the freezer and started to retrieve ice, "I'm sorry Arthur, but how can I not act like this when a bunch of snot-nosed teenage punks thinks it's funny to go ahead and beat up on some poor defenseless street clown," she hissed in a quieter tone.

"They're just kids," Arthur mumbled as he unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his body slowly, all the while wincing in pain, "I should've just let them be."

"So what if they're kids?" Trina called from the kitchen, "They're teenagers, which means soon they'll be adults, which means that soon they'll have kids, and because of how stupid they are now that stupidity will be passed down to their children. Then their children will start beating up on other poor clowns along with their parents until the next thing you know an entire generation of snot-nosed losers will start beating up on clowns!"

Arthur laughed, "I think you're overreacting just a little bit, Trina."

"My point is, it's not-" Trina paused when she looked at Arthur, his almost sickly body with a large purple and black bruise covering the right side of his ribs. "Jesus Christ, Arthur," she whispered, "When was the last time you ate something."

Arthur frowned, "This morning, why?"

Trina's eyes narrowed as she took a seat next to him, "You're so thin, you look like you've been on a desert island for a year."

Arthur laughed, "I think you're over-exaggerating again, Trina."

"I'm not over exaggerating, Arthur," Trina hissed, "You're practically a skeleton!" Arthur just merely shrugged, causing Trina to sigh, "I worry about you, Arthur," she whispered as she placed the bag of ice she recovered from the kitchen onto his ribs.

"You, you worry about me?" He questioned with widened eyes.

Trina scoffed, "Of course I do, Arthur! You're my friend, why wouldn't I be worried about you?"

Arthur shrugged, "I-I don't know, I just never thought someone other then my mother would."

Trina frowned, brows knitting together in concern, "Well I care, Arthur, I care about you a lot, don't you ever forget that."

Arthur smiled at her, "I won't, thank you, Trina."

"You're welcome, Arthur," she whispers with a soft smile.

They stared at each other, Arthur's cheeks flushing red as he felt her get closer to him. They deepened in color even further when she rested her hand on his cheek.

"T-Trina?" Arthur questioned shakily.

"Yes, Arthur?"

"W-What are you doing?" He whispered, their faces mere inches apart.

"I was planning on kissing you if you're alright with that," she grinned.

Arthur's breath hitched, "I don't, I-I've never-"

"It's alright Arthur, just relax," Trina whispered, both hands on his cheeks.

She tilted his head to the side ever so slightly before slowly closing the gap between them. Arthur's eyes widened out of shock that he was actually getting kissed by a beautiful woman, only to then slowly flutter shut. He let out a soft moan, causing Trina to smile against his lips. He sheepishly moves his hands over to rest on her hips and in return Trine wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

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