Experimentation (NSFW)

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"I can't believe this happened, again!" Trina sighed as she pressed an ice pack onto Arthur's back. "I mean, why the hell would they want to steal a sign!?"

Arthur smiled, something about seeing Trina get so mad about him getting hurt always made him happy, he wasn't quite sure why. Maybe because it meant that she really did care for him, that someone finally saw all the pain he was in and tried to heal it. Who knows?

"It's fine, Trina, they're just kids. I should've left them alone."

"It doesn't matter if they're kids, Arthur! They still deserve to get a good smack alongside their heads. Haven't we had this conversation before?"

Arthur hummed, "Yeah, I just like it when you're angry, it's hot," Arthur said, trying desperately to look seductive.

Trina stared at him for a moment before laughing, he reminded her of a ten-year-old boy trying to flirt.

"You're cute, Arthur," she laughed, only causing him to frown, "What, that's a good thing!"

"No it's not," he mumbled, "Being 'cute' is for girls and little boys."

"But I like good boys, they're very attractive," she hummed as she scooted closer to Arthur, "You're very attractive."

He blushed, "S-So are you, Trina."

She smirked as devious thoughts pledged her mind, she swung her leg over his hip and grinned as he looked up at her in surprise.

"T-Trina, we can't, my mom's in the other room!" He whispered, frantically glancing back to the bedroom both he and his mother shared.

"Of course we can, Arthur. We just have to be quiet," she leaned down and gently kissed his lips, "I know I can be quiet, can you, baby?"

He shivered, "I-I don't know."

"Want to try?" She whispered as she palmed his slowly hardening cock, causing his breath to hitch.

"T-Trina, I, this isn't a good idea," he whimpered as his hips slowly ground against her hand.

She chuckled, "It seems your body disagrees," she then kissed and nipped her way over to his ear as she worked on unbuckling his belt, "Now, be a good boy and stay as quiet as you can."

Another shiver ran down his spine, hearing her call him that only enhanced is pleasure in a way he was baffled by. Trina sensed this and stared down at him, smiling as if she had just won a prize.

"Oh, do you like that? Do you like it when I call you a 'good boy?'"

He nodded while whimpering quietly, his cock now fully out of its confinement.

"Tell me, good boy, what is it you want me to do to you?"

He breathed out shakily, "Touch me."

She hummed, "How do you want me to touch you?"

He whimpered, "I-I don't know, I just, I need you. Trina!"

He yelped as she tightened her grip on his cock.

"Shh, we don't want to wake your mother up now, do we?"

Arthur shook his head rapidly, "N-No ma'am, w-we don't."

Trina's head fell back as she moaned, "Oh Arthur, you're such a good boy, the things you do to me."

"What, what do I do to you?" He whispered, his eyes wide with lustful wonder.

She hummed as she pulled up her dress enough to see her panties, they were soaked, "This is what you do to me, baby."

His breath caught in his throat as he stared, his cock twitching at the sight as Trina's fingers rubbed the wet fabric slowly.

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