Morning After (NSFW)

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"Arthur, sweetie."

Arthur stirred awake to be created with Trina staring down at him with a loving smile, she was standing over him, dressed in her work uniform.

"Morning," Arthur yawned.

She chuckled, "Morning sleepy head, listen, I have to go to work but I'll see you tonight, ok."

Arthur pouted, "Aw Trina, can't you call off, spend the day with me," he asked as he sat up and pulled her down on top of him.

Trina giggled, "No Arthur, I can't afford to take any days off!"

She laughed as he pecked at her neck before blowing raspberries on it, his arms encircling her waist, her dress riding up high as she straddled him. She pushed him away, pinning his hands down with hers before kissing him. Arthur melted into the kiss, moaning softly as he did.

Trina pulled away and smiled down at him, "As much as I would love to stay and give you the ride of your life," she paused to grind her hips against his, "I really do need to get to work."

Arthur pouted, "Alright, I'll see you tonight though, right?"

Trina climbed off of Arthur, "Of course, I'll talk to you later," she leaned down and kissed his forehead before walking toward the door.

"I love you."

She turned to him and smiled, "Love you too, sweetie."

Arthur smiled blissfully as he watched her leave, falling back down onto the bed as he heard the door click shut. He pulled Trina's pillow over to him and inhaled her scent deeply, he could definitely get used to waking up like this.


Arthur shot up as he heard his mother cry out from the hall, he jumped out of Trina's bed and quickly threw on his clothes.

"Mom, mom are you ok?" Arthur questioned as he rushed out into the hall.

"Oh happy, there you are!" His mother beamed, she was only a few steps outside of their apartment, still in her nightgown. "When I saw you weren't in the apartment I got so worried-"

"I'm alright, mom," he soothed as he ushered her back into the apartment closing the door behind them, "I just left for a few minutes to go see a friend."

"You mean the girl from yesterday?" Penny questioned, sitting down on her chair by the television.

Arthur blushed, "Y-Yes mom, I went over to go see Trina."

"Did you check the mail?"

He looked at her with confusion before turning to work on making her breakfast, "Mom, the mail hasn't come yet."

"Oh well you can never be too sure," she mumbled almost in a daze as she turned on the news.

Arthur drowned out the noise of the television with his thoughts, thoughts of the night before with Trina. His face flushed as he thought back to her lying under him, gazing up at him with half-lidded eyes and gaping mouth. Her soft moans echoing throughout the apartment, crying out his name with glee. He shook his head as he tried to clear his mind of those thoughts, his slacks started to get tight because of them.

Once he finished making both him and his mother a serving of oatmeal, he made his way over to the couch and sat down to "enjoy" the news with his mother.

The rest of the day went as normal as it could, go to work, dance and perform magic tricks for customers, deal with the negative comments and looks both strangers and coworkers give, and then go to the diner to see Trina. Seeing her made his whole day worth it, being around her actually made him feel like he was wanted and wasn't some sort of freak just drifting through life. She made him feel important, made him feel like he belonged.

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