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"Why am I so reckless with my heart"

[Tinashe I love you, step on me, throw me over a cliff I don't care but please have a concert in San Franciso k thx te amo hermosa]


It's been 2 years. . .

2 fucking years.

I, Minatozaki Sana, am a disgrace. Like how could anyone be away from home for that long of a period!? Unless your family is straight up assholes, then yea, I can see why. But mines, isn't. And the only family I do have is my grandmother.

That's it.

No one else.

Just her.

People often tell me 'You are so gorgeous. You probably look just like your mother'

Yea, maybe I do.

Maybe I don't.

I couldn't tell you if you were right or wrong because I've never seen my mother before, ever. And apparently my father was just like her too. Ghosts of tales. Without a trace. Without a goodbye.

Even now I can't recall any memories of their faces, what they did for a living, or if they loved me or not or anything. Sad, yes, but I've gotten over it. As I should.

"Don't dwell on the past Sana...just don't". Mumbling little things like that help. To an extent. But when the moon above seems so sullen and vulnerable like me, how could I not cry. Plus whenever I cry it's not the prettiest thing to jump out of a manga.

Sequin-silver jewels threaded the blanket of hopeful wishes and candy blisses above. Nighttime was always my favorite time of day.

"You'll catch a cold if you stay out too long"

I hesitated for a moment, then turned to see Tzuyu leaning against the balcony's doorframe, hands shoved in her pockets, eyes looking beyond.

"Nah, I probably w-won—ACHIBWABAAAA!"

Fail me again body and I promise you'll catch these hands

Although I kept sneezing like the idiot I am, I could sense Tzuyu's presence coming towards me. "Like I said", she sighed, now wrapping me in her arms.

Wow. She can't just suddenly do that without warning!?

"T-tzuyu I'm f-fi—ACHWABAAA! Fuck me!", I groaned, being utterly done with myself at this point. Might as well enjoy her embrace and stop pretending to hate it so much. "T-thank you...." My arms barricaded her more, and for a moment, her heartbeat quickened. Til it died down.

"Why are you thanking me?", she scoffed. Thanks for killing the mood, Tzuyu. "If you weren't being such an idiot, you wouldn't be sneezing right now" Sometimes I think she's sadistic or something because I can never understand this girl.

But that's also why I like her. My fucking weirdo.

I rolled my eyes then poked her on the rib. She jolted a bit. "You're right daddy-"

oh shit

Faster than I could process whatever the fuck I just said, Tzuyu took me by the shoulders, looking narrowly at me. "What... did you just say?", she spoke so low it was barely audible. But of course my ears heard everything, even though I wish they wouldn't hear everything. Still, I gave no reply. "Sana, what the fuck did you just say?", she pressed, gazing direly more than before.

Obviously my actions have consequences...

I bit my lip to give me some time to think up something. Yet when something did come, I kinda regretted it once it left my mouth.

"Uuuuhhhhh dadd-da da da da da circus da da da da da afro circus afro circus afro polka dot polka dot polka dot AFRO!"

Then the crowd went wild.

Aha, no.

It was only the chittering of crickets and a traumatized Tzuyu staring deep into my soul while thinking of a million reasons why I seem to be on crack. Which I highly agree.

For awhile we kinda just stood there, looking at each other. Her with her mouth slightly gaped open, and me sheepishly smiling in awkwardness. Over time it was getting irritating the way she kept eye bugging me like it was the craziest thing she's ever heard.

So, to alleviate such awkward tension, I went forward, looping my arms around her neck and kissed her.

"Don't be dumbstruck just yet. There's more where that came from, baby", I pulled away with a smirk.

Again, that goofy expression stayed on her face. I laughed, then patted her on the back before heading inside.


Honestly did not check for any obscure mistakes or anything so pardon me incompetence.

Had to rush this out bc i'm gonna be piled on stu(dying), which is why it's so short and like...random. I guess.

But once i get some freedom ill update much longer. I got yáll :)


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