Chapter 1

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"It's a tragic night for the side of good. Tonight Gotham has lost the young sidekick of the Batman to the Joker's cruelty. We regret to inform the citizens of Gotham that the young boy was killed in a warehouse when the Joker detonated a bomb. We received footage of the warehouse exploding just before Batman could get to the building." The evening news broke over the city of Gotham showing an image of Batman holding his limp partner, the shot taken from above in a helicopter. The station went on to replay the footage they had of the moments leading to the explosion... of Batman being just a few moments too late. Some nights... it just seemed that all hope was gone. It became harder to believe that good would prevail.

Good had a weakness... they didn't kill... and evil killed without hesitation. I ran a hand through my brown hair as I turned off the TV with a sigh. What bothered me was that the Joker was still at large after what he did. I stood from my crummy couch and walked to the kitchen area behind it in my small apartment. I'd taken a place in a run down spot in the city because it was all I could get. Being sixteen didn't leave much room for choices. Even with my emancipation my age caused problems with landlords. My rundown place with chipped brick walls and creaky wood floors was as good as I could get. Luckily... it was fairly vacant in the building so I didn't have much to worry about with neighbors.

I took out some spaghetti noodles and jars of sauce before getting to work on my meal. One of these days this city was going to get me killed. The amount of crime and the hardships that the people on the side of justice faced just trying to contain it was too much for me to trust I'd remain safe here. I sat at the table in the silence as I ate thinking... of those bright beautiful eyes I'd had the pleasure of seeing up close once. It was such a brief moment... just like his very brief life here.

I ran a hand through my hair in agitation as I tried to think of something else... something less soul crushing. I could tell... he was about my age. Knowing Joker he had suffered a great deal before he was killed. I sighed and used the remote to turn on the tv. The news was showing a different boy who'd suffered at Jokers hands... and perished. Bruce Wayne's son Jason Todd was dead. I breathed in sharply as his face came on the screen and those eyes... I knew them anywhere even if I had only seen them once briefly.

I couldn't process this... Jason Todd was Robin... and he'd died tonight. I stood slowly on shaky legs and left my plate to go into my bathroom and splash water on my face. I shook as I looked into the mirror. If I knew... then did Joker know? This could mean Bruce Wayne was Batman... I ran a hand over my face and then started to pace. I sat at my desk, in my one room apartment, that was next to the TV and turned on my computer. I took in a shaky breath as I got ready to type. I searched for Bruce Wayne's number and was presented with one. I chewed my lip before taking my house phone and Dialing. I knew he probably had many people calling after the news got out about Jason but...

"Hello?" His deep voice filled my ear and I took in another shaky breath. "Bruce Wayne right?" I asked softly and he took in a breath as if impatient or annoyed. "Yes, is this important?" He asked a little annoyed. I sighed as I tried to find the words. "Jason's eyes... They look like that sidekicks don't they? Very pretty... I've always liked Robins eyes... If I think so... Wouldn't that clown?... Perhaps you should be careful." There was a moment of silence before he spoke to me again.

"I... don't think I understand Miss...?" He said and I sighed again and ran a hand through my hair. "I was almost raped and those eyes looked at me gently as he helped me pick myself up and get my clothes on. I would know them... anywhere. Be careful. I will forget about you... and I suggest you forget about me too." I said softly before hanging up. I ran a hand through my hair once more before I carefully turned off the computer and started to put the food away. I lost my appetite. I got ready for bed and climbed into bed feeling restless.

Hurt (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now