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So you guys are going to kill me for this but i'm not continuing the smut chapter for reasons that you'll soon find out about but there's gonna be a threesome in the next chapter AND IT'S ACTUALLY VANILLA LUVS :)

Jin's Pov
At the moment we all were in the car, I was driving while Hoseok slept in Yoongi's lap, we all seemed to forgive each other easily as we didn't want there to be more conflict between us at the moment.

Also because we all wanted our minds to be focused on Namjoon.

I hummed along to the random song that was quietly playing on the radio, other than that the only other noises that could be heard was Hoseok's soft snores and all of the other cars outside driving by us.

We had contacted Taehyung and Jeongguk and to my surprise they gave us the address to the house they were at, it was extremely far away so we would end up driving over night but as long as it meant we were going to get Namjoon back that made me happy.

We had only been driving for about an hour and we had just almost made it out of the city, I looked at the time on my watch and saw that it was almost midnight. I knew that I would get start to get tired soon and Yoongi was dozing off slightly as he held Hoseok so i knew I couldn't ask them to drive.

"Hey, Yoongi you want to just head to a hotel so we all can get some rest and eat and then we can get back on the road tomorrow ?" I asked quietly making sure not to wake Hoseok up.

"Yeah that sounds fine to me, are we all gonna get separate rooms or will we just get two beds in one room?" He said as he played with Hoseok's hair. "Uh, two beds in one room, One of us can sleep by ourselves and whoever Hobi wants to cuddle with will share a bed with him"

He just nodded and yawned. "M'kay hyung~" I sighed softly and smiled. "Go to sleep I'll wake you both up when we get there" as soon as I got done speaking he was already asleep.

I chuckled softly and started to drive to a hotel nearby that we've stayed at before many times for business trips and stuff like that. After a good thirty minutes I soon got there, I drove around the parking lot trying to find a free space. When I did I parked the car and took my keys out.

I got out of the car and grabbed all of our backpacks. I opened the back door and gently shook the both of them trying to wake them up. "Guys wake up were here~" I soon heard a mix of whines and groans come from the both of them.

"Where are we?" Hoseok asked groggily as he got off of Yoongi's lap and exited the car taking his bag from me. "We are at a hotel, we all need to eat and get rest, we'll leave tommorow afternoon and we'll get Namjoon" he just nodded and yawned.

"Yoongi, baby wake up you can sleep more in half an hour I promise~" I said and continued to shake him. "Okay~" he whined and got out of the car as well, closing the door behind him. I handed him his bag and locked the car before I started to walk towards the entrance of the hotel.

When we got inside I went up to the desk and got us a room and our key cards. "Hyung hurry up I'm sleepy~" Hoseok's whined softly and wrapped his arms around my waist, he was always so cute and clingy when he was tired. "Okay baby~"

I said softly before I walked to the elevator with his arms still wrapped around my waist . We got on the elevator and went to the floor we were staying on. When we got to the floor we got out of the elevator and found our room before we unlocked it and went inside.

"Hoseok, honey let go of me please" I said softly and looked back at him. He didn't say anything back he just unwrapped his arms from around me and walked over to one of beds and sat down.

"I'll got get us food, I'll be back soon alright?" Yoongi said and looked at us as he sat his things down on the ground. Before I could even respond I heard soft whimpers come from the bed and those whimpers turned into cries.

bdsm- hyung line FF (undergoing editing and rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now