Chapter 2: I spoke too soon

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****2nd chappie I think yes oh and make sure too vommit, and leave some comments of what you think!Dedicated to BrownidBeauty thanks girl! And in honor of the Carrie Underwood shoutout I  now have the music video that cordinates.Xoxo RunAwayLovey<3****

Chapter 2 


  Just the person I wanted to see. Not. The one person I never wanted to see ever again. The deep honey brown eyes that were boring into mine, were none other than those of Alec Carter. Alec is how you say a two-timing asshole. Y'unno the the stereotypical bad ex-boyfriend. If I could, I'd walk over there and beat the crap out of him. But who wants to get arrested again? Not this girl. Why? You might ask did I get arrested; because I went Carrie Underwood on his car with Macie by my side, gotta love 'Ride or Die,' friends as my friend Chris would say. Too bad some old lady saw and called the cops and my awesome ninja skills didn't come in too handy. Thankfully, but kind of wierdly Alec bailed me and Macie out before my mom and her parents could find out. But seriously that didnt hurt really anything except maybe his "baby girl" as he called his 2008 Bentley but it really didn't matter because Alec is rich, like movie star rich. It was really just a stress reliever for me and seeing as he bailed me out, I guess the jerk knew he deserved it. But enough with strolling down memory lane. Let's just avoid the whole concept of Alec Carter. Well that's what I was thinking until the less reasonable hormonal side of me took over.

  Oh god, I can't take my eyes off of him. By now we had a full on staring match continuing. If anything the man he looked good, if not better. His skin was still perfectly tanned and his dark wavy brown hair looked tousled with just the right amount of hairstyling gel. Seriously he still  has to look like a hollister model? The kid literally probably rolls out of bed and throws some gel in it and he's good to go.

Oh crap. Here I was contemplating which gel he uses and he totally saw me staring. Quick! I tried to  I quickly looked down and began making myself busy looking through my purse; before hearing my name through my rolled down window. Curse this damn rolled down window, now he knows I can hear him. Okay Alianna just roll it back up, roll it back up.

"Alianna?" The words obviously being formed out of Alec's mouth. Looking over and making sure I had heard right. He seriously wants to talk to me? Oh I'll give him a piece of my mind. I heard the door of his new black on black 2013 mustang he'd been sitting in open and close; as the sound of jogging footsteps neared, confirming my suspicions. Getting a whiff of what hollister smells like when you walk pass it in the mall, as he came up to me. Gosh he smells so damn good. Seriously, I could just inhale him all day, but that would be wierd right? Knowing him he'd probably really like that idea.

 He stood at the passenger window, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Alianna, uh-hey."

"Alec." I said speaking short to him 

"C'mon Al. Look, I've been trying to call you, you know it wasnt..." Oh he wants to use the nick-name my mind spoke with venom, as my heart melted just a bit.

"Alec just stop," I said cutting him off. "You know why I don't answer your calls, and it's definitely not because of something I did; so don't even start again with the excuses. Just go back over to your car and pretend I'm not even here because quite frankly I'd rather not see you."  I said trying to sound honest because I should do like any reasonable girl and not want to see him. But the way he stood at my window looking at me, it was like as if he was pulling me to him. Of course not of my free will.  I will not be the girl to go back to her boyfriend after the stuff he did. I will not be that girl. 

Alec placed his hands atop the car, his chest raising like he was taking a deep breathe.

"Alianna I miss you, and whether or not you'll admit it," He paused looking down at me through the window, "You miss me too." He questioned and then turned it around to sound like a statement. Clever little inquisitive weasel. Sometimes it's like he just can read me.

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