Chapter 3: I see you

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Chapter 3 

  The pinpoint shot us up into the sky like a rocket, my breath caught in my throat while my hair flew around attacking my face. Nearing the top of the straight up and down rollar coaster, we slowed down and I began really contemplating my choice in friends I mean seriously? Who forces thier friends to do something that's got to be  peer pressure or abuse or something right? 

Oh god.

This is the part I hate. Wait for it, wait for it. My stomach lurched and I grabbed Chris's hand with an iron grasp. Trying if possible to squeeze away what was about to happen or should I say go down?Because that's where were going. 

"Damn girl," Chris said squirming like a little girl under my power. 

  We slowly stopped at the top of the rollarcoaster, which was probably some sick twist by the designer to scare the heck out of you because you just sit up there looking down for two minutes.This is the part I really hate. The anticipation and suspense, it drives me crazy. *click * Uh-oh.*click* Hearing the mehanial clicks I grabbed Chris's hand even tighter, and within .02 seconds after grabbing his hand the ride dropped. My hair  fly straight up above my head, along with my body flying up in my seat due to the force. I held onto my restraints for dear life. The wind whipped and screamed at my face though that's the only thing screaming on this ride.

 The pinpoint is basically so fast when it shoots you down that you couldn't scream if you tried, and if you keep your mouth open trying, you'll probably dry your whole mouth out. I heard one time a kid got three bugs caught between his teeth once riding this. Nah, that was a lie but you get my point right? It's fast.

 The pinpoint shot us to the bottom, yunno' near earth. The ride jerked and bounced up again signaling it was almost over. Dropping swiftly down only about 15 feet the ride bounced til it was about 3 feet above the ground. Hearing the mechanical sigh of the ride and the sound of our seatbelts being unbuckled, I got off that death trap as fast as I could. My friends were still hopping off while I rushed away from that ride and through the crowd. Nobody should have to be put through such an expierence as that one. A huge grin lit my face.

Best ride ever. 

Hey, what did I say? It's a love hate relationship.  

I soon found myself at the biggest rollar coaster here. I glanced around for my friends and successfully spotted them I waved them over. I guess they'd assume I'd be here, well that and they said they were going to this ride next.

  Great friends. I know. 

  "Wait up! Guys! Wait!" yelled Hannah. Barbie strutted her way through the crowds of people up to us, being overly dramatic and looking like Barbie's Trip tp to the Gym. Man, I have really got to stop calling her Barbie. It's really a terrible habit and inside joke. But maybe if she started to act like the real Hannah and not the Barbie she is today, I wouldn't have to call her that.

  If I remember correctly it all started in the 8th grade. Hannah convinced herself that she would be the 'it girl.' You know the one that everyone seems to adore and be jealous of. The one girl who seems like she gets all the boys. The girl who has the most die for outfits. The envy of everyone. The perfect girl. To me it sounds like a bunch of perfectly made up bullshit. But back to Hannah, on her way to turning into one of them, one of the 'it girls,' Hannah lost herself, she thinks being obnoxious and acting utterly stupid is how to be 'it girl.'

  Why, might you ask, are all of us still friends with her? Well, when she's around us, she acts a little more like her self, and we figure eventually, maybe, we might get old Hannah back.

  That and the fact that Maria and her are still bestfriends, and we can't seem to get rid of her

 As she neared us, Hannah slowed down and did her infamous Barbie strut towards us.

"So did you meet up with Jordan yet?" Chris asked Hannah when she entered our group whom was now standing in line for The Panther, a sleek all black fast rollar coaster.

  "No, he said he was here, but I can't find him. So I decided I would hang out with you guys." Hannah said in mock sweetness as if she had nothing better to do and we were her last resort.

  "Well isn't that sweet? You ditch your friends to do god knows what with a guy; who by the way absolutely seems like a  swell humanbeing considering he's probably a manslut no-show. And now since you can't find him come to hang with your ditched friends? Always glad to be your backup plan." I said sarcastically.

  "Oh my goddddd Aliannnna, don't be such a downer. You act like I broke up with you. Give a girl space and back off, jeez your not my mother." Hannah replied while I was turned around waiting for us to move up in line. I turned around quickly, my eyes widening, " I'll show you something broke in a minute." Macie suddenly rabbed my arms as to restrain me, while Chris grabbed Hannah cutting her off from a stupid reply," Girl shut the hell up before you get bitch slapped."  

"It was just a threat, I don't act towards stupidty." I said towards them. And judging by how fast they reacted towards the situation, I must appear pretty darn tough, I thought making myself smirk." Now remove your hands peasant!" I said in my 'kingly voice' towards Macie trying to lighten the mood again.

"As you wish your majesty." Macie spoke dramatically in a strong british accent while she bowed on one knee placing my hand in hers as I placed my other on her shoulder. Our scene causing chuckles from our group and the people surrounding us in the line, well all except Hannah. And she said I was such a downer.

  I ignored her prescence, as our group began meaningless chatter to pass the time. Nearing the black tunnel ride, I felt distranged. Looking around at unfamiliar faces, I ignored the feeling as we sat in the same seating arrangement, swapping creepy old man giving me the perv. eye, with Miss Barbie princess. 

  The ride jerked us into a dark abyss of a tunnel. The piercing echoes of screams rang in my eardrums as we suddenly dropped down a steep hill. A sharp wind along with the speed of the rollarcoaster sent trails of goosebumps along my arms. A sudden wave of nausea ran over me, as I got a sick eery feeling.

Someone is watching me.

*******Not too proud of this one, so it's still being edited, anyways let me know what you think comment, vote, and fan. XoXo RunAwayLovey

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