Chapter 6: Like a fish out of water.

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Super excited about this chappie. And its super long because of the super long wait. Vommit and I'm just going to get straight to it.XoXo RunAwayLovey


Releasing my body from the rope at 10ft above the ground, has to be one of the most stupid ideas I've had yet.

I suppressed my screams, closing my eyes as air whipped around me. My arms flailing loosely above my head. My breath caught, feeling someone grab me under my arms, like they would a small child. We landed we a silent thud (Thank god,) onto a neatly manicured lawn. The person behind me released me, and I turned around to see Danielle.

"Um Thanks, that was pretty c--" Danielle shoved her hand over my mouth 'shushing' me. She shot me an urgent 'be quite' look. I raised my eyebrows in a questioning look until a loud noise sounded above our heads. I looked up towards the balcony hearing anther loud thud, and the same masculine voice say, "I don't have time for this, find her!"

I gave Danielle a 'what the hell' look, only to be received with the same look. She grabbed my hand ushering me towards what I'm assuming to be the palace gardens because taking a look at the balcony this definitely wasn't just a mansion.

By the look Danielle was giving me, I couldn't stay and gawk at the house. She yanked me through a maze of gardens. Literally, it was a maze. She led me to a small dainty tool shed in the middle of the maze and grabbed a key I wasn't aware she was wearing around her neck and unlocked it.

She ushered me into the small tool shed. Not bothering to really look around, she led us straight to a small door that was carefully blended in with the wall. I looked twice at it trying to see how she could have spotted that. She jingled with a door knob and keys, finally opening it. She pulled us in and shut the door behind her before I could use the light and see what was in front of us.

She dragged me forcefully down an unlit stone stairwell, that she seemed like she knew all too well. I was nearly tripping over the stairs and my feet as she raced down the stairs dragging me along. Suddenly I felt something sticky and stringy fly into my face. I nearly screamed when I realized it was a spider web.

"Danielle slow down!" I put my foot out using it as a brake to stop us. "I can't even see, stop!" I yelled. I felt her turn towards me, "Alianna you said you wanted to leave so if you want to escape you have to trust me, I know you can't see, but rest assured I know my way. We're almost there, so just calm down." Danielle said sternly.

"Uh-ok," I heard myself unsurely say as Danielle continued to lead us down a stairwell. We soon stopped at what appeared to be a door, because I heard the jingle of keys. I searched through my bag looking for my ipod so I could shine the light on the lock, stopping when I heard the door open.

Inside Danielle let go of my hand leaving me standing there. She flicked a switch and lights followed illuminating the room. We were in a hallway. It looked like something out of a syfy movie. The walls were metal, and cold looking. Straight in front of us was a silver steel door. I followed Danielle who was now walking towards it.

Danielle started typing on a keypad next to the door and I watched as a blue beam of light scanned her eye. The metal doors began to part open. We walked through the door and I finally spoke up, "Um Danielle mind tell where the hell your taking us?" She led us down a dimly lit hallway to a large beautifully white door, completely ignoring me. I reached out aiming to feel the small swirls delicately entraced in the wood of the door but Danielle swatted my hand away. I cradled my hand and stood shocked at Danielle. Give a girl some freedom and this is how she repays you humph.

She turned the knob and opened the door, opening it?

What no locks?

A breeze of cold air gushed from inside the room and I walked in alongside Danielle. And of course this place never disappoints. The bedroom was all white with Tiffany blue accents in the walls around it. Above was a lit chandelier. Though this bedroom looks more modest than the one I had been in.

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