Chapter 5: Yolo right?

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Without further adieu.

Chapter 5:

I was having the weirdest dream. It was one of my flashback dreams.


  We were back in our old house.The house we had before Michael lost his job. I was sitting in the kitchen at our grand oak table. And layed on the table was a large white poster board. Blank white poster board.

  "Hey mom," I began. "I have to do this family tree thing for Communication Arts and I want to put some of dad and his family on here. My teacher, Mr. Palinski said it's going to be one of the biggest grades we get our 7th grade year...So I really kind of need this information." I tried to look uninterested in her response while I smoothed out a wrinkle on my poster board layed spread out on the table. I glanced waiting for my mom to reply. She stood her back facing me stirring something delicious smelling on the stove. She turned her head towards me."Um well Alianna, when's it due hun?"

  "Not for another two weeks, but I want to get a head start." I smoothed out my paper and wrote my name in the right hand corner Alianna Monroe. I turned my attention to my mom, whom was turned towards me looking quite frazzled with her bronze hair falling in whisps around her face, the rest in some kind of messy bun. I looked into her golden brown eyes that I envied and saw the worry in her eyes as the words I dreaded, came out of her mouth "You sure Alianna? I just don't think your ready. I think I'll just write a note to this Mr.Palinski and tell him that it's a more personal topic, you know? I mean your only 13.." She began rambling and opening a drawer nearby looking for a paper and pencil.  

  Ugh. I hate it when she does this! She always uses that excuse 'Oh Alianna, you're simply not old enough honey dearest, blah, blah. I think it's about time she tells me about my dad. I'm thirteen and she acts like I shouldn't know about my dad yet. I mean if I was adopted she probably would of already told me by now, she's just so unreasonable.

"Mom, are you serious right now? That's exactly my point; I'm 13! You can't just not tell me until your lying on your death bed, this is my dad we're talking about." I said trying to pull off a mature annoyed voice.

"Your right Alianna." She said shocking me.

"I'm right?"I stuttered, accustomed to the mom who would refuse to tell me of my dad. Holy cheese puffs, who is this woman?

"Yes," she laughed, as she turned off the stove and walked over to sit beside me at the kitchen table. "Your right. I'm being unreasonable, your old enough honey. I probably should have told you this earlier." She sounded a bit of unsure of her self, so I gave her a eassuring head nod.

"Well, where in the world do I start?"

"Well it started when I was, oh I must've been only 17 at the time." She said recalling her past."Well your Grandpa Monroe had already had the Monroe Music enterprise going, and was even rich back then. We lived in this massive beautiful stone house." She said lost in her own world.

I faked coughed.I saw her roll her eyes in a playful scolding like manner.

  "Anyway growing up, I learned a lot of my friends were only my friends, because of my dad's money. Do you have any idea how bad that hurt, to get close to person after person for the same results?Even the boyfriend I had at the time! Oh and to top it off, just the icing on the cake," She said bitter  sarcastically, "I was to meet some random man, that my dad wanted me to date so he could merge his company with another one, that night! That was the straw that broke the camel back."

  "So teary eyed and determined, I set off to become a run away, no more of people using me like that. I decided I would go far away where no one knew my name or my dad. So I made it all the way to an airport entrance , where I literally bumped into this man sending some maps he had in his hands flying right out front of the airport." This made me laugh. I can just imaging my mom do that.

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