Chapter 4: Common Sense is not so Common

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Chapter 4

Someone was watching me.

I can feel it.

The panther was seriously starting to scare me. The ride's pitch black atmosphere and the screaming people surrounding me weren't helping with easing my oncoming stress. The ride's dark tunnel was lightening up and I assumed (thankfully,) that we were nearing the end of it. The panther lurched forward simultaneously with my stomach, and the mechanical sigh signaled the ride was over. As soon as the ride stopped and the *clicks* of our seat belts being unlocked sounded, as quick I could possibly manage, I was bolting off that ride.

Forget waiting for my friends, they can catch up.

I stepped off of the panther and began speed walking my way out of there. Pushing my way past the waves of people, I slowed down my pace and figured I'd wait for my friends to catch up. I looked around at where I was now at, and realized I was at the food shops. I parked myself at a picnic bench beside a food truck and decided that in life 'whenever thou is at a carnival thou shall indulge in thy funnel cake.'

Gah, I really need a life.

I ordered my food and plopped myself down on the cold wooden picnic table. I pulled out my phone and began dialing Macie's number, surely they realized I had left right? Macie picked up in a cheerful voice. Cheerful-ly-ier, than normal?

"Hey where'd you go?" Macie began.

"Oh, I'm at the concessions. I just got really freaked out from that ride; but um you sound a little happy?" I questioned.

"Yeah so I have to text it to you, but we'll meet you there." Macie said excitedly.

"Ok, well I guess just text it to..." I stopped myself when I realized it sounded like no one was on the other line. I checked my phone and sure enough she had hung up and my phone was on my homescreen of a picture of Chris, Macie, and I. I turned the screen display on my touch phone off, and then turned it back on because I forgot to check the time. I sighed and began unlocking my phone. The time was currently 8:37 pm. Great.

I sat on the bench, bored out of my mind. And looked around at my surroundings. Standing inside of a food truck making hot-dogs was a large, balding, hairy man picking at a scab on his elbow. Oh that's not disgusting, I thought sarcastically and debated whether I should trust the person making my funnel cake. One glance over at the funnel cake truck, and it was safe. It was a woman attending the funnel cakes with gloves, a pink hairnet, and chef hat with pink cursive letters written across it saying 'Frannie's Funnel cakes.' They even had a large pink vanilla cupcake hand-sanitizer on the ledge of their window. My phone then buzzed. It was a text message from Macie.

Macie: Guess who im here with...

Myself: Um who...? I began thinking of people in my head.

Macie: I said guess witch! But I'm here with Colton. He's in the restroom though, we just got done riding the panther again.

Myself: Again? You guys are taking foreverrrrrr...

Seriously they rode it again? Something clicked in my head and I read the message again, she's with Colton? My phone vibrated just ten seconds after that pulling me out of my thoughts.

Macie: Yeah sorry we were walking out to find you, & then Colton and his friends were waiting in the line & stopped us. So we waited in line with them and rode again. Anyway see you in a sec.; I think that's him.

Oh so that's why she was so happy. I remembered what Alec had said about seeing me tonight and wondered if Alec's here, they are kind of bestfriends, so it would make sense. But how in the world would he know he would see me tonight? It creeped me out knowing how sure he was when he said it, he said it like he was positive. Just then the young woman making my funnel cake called out my order and I got up and walked up to the ledge.

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