A Little Lie

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"May I have this dance?," Adam asked, bowing down to a beautiful woman among all those glittering women.
Selene hesitated. "Forgive me," She apologised. "But I'm not very active in dance"
"May I know the reason?"
Selene took a glance of the people staring at her in anger.
"May I have your leave?," Selene asked as she bowed down and walked out of the ballroom.
Adam glared at the crowd. They removed their eye contacts from him into doing whatever they were doing before.

"Do you have any idea how much this costs?," Jack berated. "Did your mother buy this suit?"
Arwen stared at the shattered glasses on the floor near Jack's finest shoes. It was a mistake to walk through the hallway to offer people some drinks. Not knowing that Jack was standing in the middle when she bumped into him, causing the tray of glasses to fall on the floor.
"I'm terribly sorry sir," Arwen apologised. Bowing her head down. It wasn't her fault, she was just doing her job until she bumped into Jack.
"Sorry won't clean my shirt,"Jack shouted. Loud enough for the media to hear his furious voice. Everyone gathered at the ballroom, staring at him and the waitress.
They started to take pictures of the poor girl been assaulted by the famous celebrity. Jack Danger.
"Jack," Matt called. Running up to Jack from the crowd. "Stop it in front of all these people. They're taking pictures"
"Did you see what this bloody girl did to my shirt?,"Jack showed Matt his wine stain on his chest.
"Okay, we must definitely go now," Matt pulled Jack over and whispered in his ears. "We'll deal with her later"
The crowd focused their best image on the girl when Jack left the ballroom.

"How was the dance last night?," Victoria asked. Taking a seat beside Selene on the couch. She was not quite well for some days. Suffering from a unknown disease. Doctors refused to tell her but Selene knew what had happened to her best friend.
She requested the Doctor, Maxwell to do not tell Victoria anything about her illness.
Selene was in her thoughts when she heard Victoria shout in her ears.
"My god. Why do you have to shout?," Selene held her ear and shook it for correction. "What were you asking?"
"How was the dance?," Victoria shyly asked.
"I saw him, your love. He asked me for a dance"
Victoria's smile disappeared, like the wind had stopped. "What did he say?," Victoria curiously asked.
" He's not my type besides he told me about a girl existing in his life for a long time. I wonder who she is?"
A glimpse of perfect smile cornered Victoria's lips. "He doesn't even know if I exist " Sadness wrapped Victoria's face.
"Can I say something?," Selene hesitated.
The room became silent, wind was calm and the knocks started their noise on the front door.
Victoria and Selene looked at each other. They knew no one but the neighbours. If it was them than they would definitely ring the bell. The knocks stopped and banging gave the horror.
Selene stood up and walked past the couch to the door. She twisted the door knob and pulled it, opening the door to set her green eyes on the two man in black suits. Standing at the door with a bouquet of red watery roses.
Such a pity, for whoever that was but Selene had already gave up her eyes on the roses, sparkling.
"Who is it?," Victoria came over when she didn't receive a reply.
"Are you Victoria Leeds?," The first man asked.
"Why are you asking?," Victoria asked. Her voice in high tone.
"Prince Adam has sent this for you," The second man with the roses replied, calmly.
Despite Victoria being rude, the man gave her a calm and happy smile.
"Why?," Selene asked. "Couldn't Prince Adam come by himself to give the roses to Victoria?"
The two man shut their mouth as they heard a voice.
"I'm here to give roses to Victoria by my ownself," Adam smirked at Selene, taking the bouquet of roses from the man and handing it over to Victoria.
"Do you wanna hang out?,"He asked. Victoria and Selene's jaw dropped open.
A prince asking a ordinary girl out. Adam was different. Last night, Selene. Morning, Victoria.

"What's all this?," Jack asked as he slammed the newspaper on the Editor's table. At the Hollywood's Lasted Gossip House. (This really doesn't exist. Just for entertainment)
"I don't understand," Said the man and wore his reading glasses.
"You see this" Jack gave him a glance of all the pictures taken at the ballroom that night.
"Why were you scolding the poor lady?," Jim asked. He took out a single cigarette.
"Jim," Jack said. "Okay that was fine but why did you relate me with that shit?"
Jim bought the cigarette to his lips and lit it. Jack watched as Jim blew smoke.
"That's what we do, Jack,"Jim replied. "We create news for it to be bought"
"Change it right now," Jack ordered.
Jim just listened as he blew the smoke on Jack's face.
"This will cost you a lot," Jack said and turned around to leave when Jim interrupted.
"You are getting too much high.. Better be on the ground"
Jack harked and then stomped away.

"How could this happen?" Arwen thought to herself while walking on the footpath.
Down the noisy streets, she stood at the zebra crossing.
Everything seemed quiet for a moment and then she heard screams. People running from the zebra crossing.
Arwen raised her head only to get her day more worse. Jack was driving into her. She panicked.
Running to the other side of the road as Jack drove up in full speed.
He actually didn't make it. The truck had lost it's brake and it hit Jack's car from the roundabout.
Arwen showed pity on the poor little actor whom no one were willing to take to the hospital.
She decided to take him, after all he was also a human being.
Great. What life had done to Jack and Arwen? It was a test for humanity.
Jack opened his eyes in a hospital surrounded by doctors, still doing their surgery.
"Doctor," Arwen called. Dr. Maxwell came over after leaving the operation theatre. "Does he have any chances of living?"
"Why yes,"Maxwell great fully replied.
"Can you do something to make him blind or even deaf will do.."
Maxwell chuckled. "Well you're in luck because he can't walk"
"But he can talk," Arwen made a face to Maxwell. "Hahaha"
"I'll take your leave. Have a blessed day, dear," Maxwell said and nodded his head before leaving.
"Thanks for your help," Arwen nodded as he left.
"Let me see if he isn't lying," Arwen mumbled.
She took a few steps slowly in to the patients room not willing to wake up the alligator sleeping in peace.
Arwen came close to his bed and she took out her makeup set. Applying the lipstick on Jack's dry lips.
She took out her mobile phone and clicked some of Jack's pictures with hers.
At the moment, Matt barged in. He glanced at Arwen taking photos and Jack's lips.
Arwen was bursted.

"Victoria," Adam said. Running his hands through his black shiny hair. " I ain't really into you"
Victoria's eyes blinked at the thought that Adam had his eyes gazed on Selene.
"Come to the point," Victoria snapped.
The car took a sharp turn towards right as Victoria slipped over Adam. He looked up into her eyes with his eyes sparkling.
"Or you could get me Selene," Adam's faithful smile gave Victoria her struggles.
"Do you even know who I am?," Victoria asked, taking back her seat.
Adam shrugged. "A gorgeous lady to make my day"
"I'm Victoria not some kind of a toy for you to ask me to do things for you whenever you tell me to and Selene is my friend. She'll never betray me upon gazing you," Victoria snapped.
Adam sighed. "Well then I've my own ways to get things my way"
The car came to a stop as Adam opened the backseat door, gripping Victoria's arm. Tight as if her veins had stopped flowing blood. He threw her out of the car on the footpath along side the her house.
Victoria moaned. Her arm hurt more than any part of her body. She was hurt. Her heart, her life, her feelings. Everything had drowned in a bucket of water. But she knew that one day life would change its destiny. Adam would be hers.
Hers to keep. Hers to own. Hers forever.

Next Chapter
Next Life time

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