Selene And Adam

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"When we first met, I asked you for a dance," Adam said. "You told me you were not very active in dancing"
Selene moved along with Adam, taking each step carefully. "I'm not. I'm just going with the flow"

"Something happened to you back at the hallway. What was it?"

"Um.. Nothing"

"Was it my way of touching you or you just don't like me?"

Selene raised her head, meeting Adam's sparkling eyes.  "I just wanna ask you something"

Adam hummed. Taking a look around. Jack was having a dance with Arwen in his arms. Greyson was coming through the crowd.

"Doctor Maxwell really shot me or did he just hit my head against the door knob?" Selene asked. She wasn't correct about the bullet going in her neck. 

"He shot you.. "

However Selene wasn't satisfied with his answer. "I'd like to meet him"

Adam turned his eyes away from Jack and Arwen, looking at Selene's questioning eyes.

Adam was about to speak when Greyson punched Jack on his face. He ran to Greyson, leaving Selene behind. Everyone were watching.

Adam pulled Greyson aside from Jack. "What are you doing?"

Greyson glared at Arwen, she was shivering. "He kissed Arwen" Greyson looked into Adam's eyes.
Adam was silent. He had nothing to say.

He couldn't just chip in.

"Hey, Greyson" Jack called. "She's mine"  Jack turned to Arwen, shivering from death.

Arwen was sweating of fear. She turned to Greyson staring back at her. He was pissed off.

"Hey don't get involved" Adam heard a soft voice coming from the crowd. It was a woman's voice. He looked back, seeing Jacqueline peeping in from the crowd.  "You'll get trapped"

Adam didn't understand her second sentence but he got his butt out of there. Coming in the corner with Jacqueline. Standing near the entrance.

"Why did you say that?" Adam asked.

"You seem quite lost. Let me help you" Jacqueline changed the topic. Touching his button up shirt, and caressing his face.

Adam stopped her hands and moved it away. "Who are you?"

"If you wanna know than I'm free tonight" Jacqueline winked. "Call me" She walked away.


Adam was staring  at his cellphone along with Selene sitting right beside him in the car. He put it away and turned to Selene. She was seating in the passengers' seat, watching Adam start the engine.

"If someone wanted to ask you for a marriage, would you agree?" Adam nervously asked.


"I love you.. Will you marry me?" Adam pulled out a sparkling diamond ring from his pocket and showed it to her.

Selene didn't seem surprised. She gasped.  "Can you give me sometime?" Selene asked. She didn't let go of what Victoria had said. But something came in her mind. "Just a few days"

Adam took Selene's hands in his and handed her the ring in her palms. "I really love you and I can wait centuries for you"

Adam started the car and drove away into the dark streets.


The light was almost shining on Selene's face and making her eyes go blank inside when they were shut. She opened he eyes, seeing the curtains wide open. She felt a arm wrapped around her waist. It was a man's hands around her body. She glanced under her bed sheet, she was half naked. With only her undergarments. She ought to have a look at her bed fellow. He was sleeping with his face draped on the bed sheet. She removed it and gasped.

"Oh my god," Selene gasped.

It was Adam, sleeping next to her.

How could he do this? What happened last night? And why was Adam in her bed, in her bedroom, in her house? Selene felt a sudden in her head. It was painful.

Selene moved away from Adam, walking over to her jeans and top hanging on the fan. She wore them and left the room. Closing the door behind her.

Selene couldn't believe herself. Just last night Adam asked her to marry him and in the morning he was in her bed. She did ask for more time.

Selene walked around her house, heading toward her kitchen. She opened the fridge and searched for a bottle of ice water. Taking a Fiji Island Chill  bottle from the back. She moved back and closed the door.

"Morning" Adam greeted. Standing behind the door, looking at Selene half naked,in his boxes. Selene choked the water in her lungs, having a look at Adam's abs.

"Are you okay?" Adam massaged her back. Taking the bottle away.

Selene was coughing. Somehow Adam's massage on her back, gave her some strength. She regained her status.

"What did you do last night?" Selene asked.

"Me?" Adam took a sip of the chilled water. "I don't think you remember but last night we slept together"

"I asked for more time"

"I don't know.. You than agreed to my proposal. "

"And why does my head pain?"

Adam stayed silent. He put the bottle back in the fridge and took out a few eggs. Adam moved to the work triangle for cooking. Selene watched him sizzle the eggs in the pan. 

"Can you close the fridge door?" Adam called over. Selene shut the door and turned to Adam. She thought to herself. Maybe Victoria lied about him..

Selene went over to him and gave him a cuddle while he was still cooking. Adam turned around and grasped Selene in an embrace. Completely forgotten about the eggs. He gave her a passionate kiss.

Something smelled very bad. A little like some rotten vegetable and than it turned into a burnt smell. The smell filled the whole room.

"Do you smell that?" Selene asked Adam. He sniffed and looked at the eggs, burnt. Smoking and the eggs pasted on the pan.

Adam turned off the gas. Selene's jaw dropped open.

"You burnt my pan.." Selene stated shocked. Looking at  the black pan and eggs.

"Uh" Adam hesitated. He than picked up Selene in his arms and walked toward the living room. Throwing Selene on the sofa and came over her. He moved in close.

Selene stopped him from moving in close with her palms against his chest.

"I'm hungry and you ate the eggs along with my frying pan," Selene said.

"Well eat me instead," Adam stated. Moving in closer and dug his face in Selene's neck.


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