First Meet

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"So you're uh you're getting discharged," Matt jabbered. How happy he was for Jack getting better. He could now continue his acting. Jack felt astonished. He finally had been freed from the old hospital. Jack could walk better now.

Jack stood up from his bed and tried to stand. He did it. The wound was healed after all. He took a few steps and stumbled. Fortunately Matt was there to help. He grabbed Jack's arms and helped him stand straight. At that time Jack just realised something.

He was trying to walk in front of the doctor ( Maxwell ) and Arwen. Jack accidentally stumbled. Luckily Arwen was there to grab him in her softest arms. Jack didn't like it so he pushed her away. That was rude. He should never had done that.

"Jack," Matt called. "Jack"

Matt's voice brought Jack back to reality. He looked at Matt with his innocent eyes.

"What happened to you? Where did you go? To the pretty ladies. Your girlfriends, huh?" Matt mocked.

Jack frowned. "Nah. Just thinking of that lady who brought me here"

"Why you man forget it" Matt stuttered.

"Well. Wherever she is, may god bless her and give her all the happiness she needs," Jack stated. Looking outside the window, at the clouds. Forming into a heart. It was gorgeous. The morning sun had its own natural beauty to attract people.
Jack suddenly felt a connection of blissfulness running through his veins. He felt love. Not hate. A little smile crossed his cheeks.

"There's the Jack, I know" Matt cried.

It was the time that had changed though many may not.

The shining sun glittered on Arwen's face as she woke up in her bed. She took  a glance across her room and saw Greyson glaring at her. He was seated at a rocking chair with his hands crossed. He seemed furious.
Arwen became even more frightened. Greyson didn't say a word or even remove his eye contact. Arwen's heart started to beat faster than her eyes may have blinked.
That terror from last night she had felt running through Greyson's mind.
She felt sick. Her limbs weren't feeling energetic.

Greyson stood from the chair and walked over to Arwen. He didn't break his eyes contact. Arwen watched him come closer with terrifying thoughts buried in her body.

"You know what happened last night?," Greyson furiously asked. Stripping his shirt.

Arwen gasped, afraid to speak. "I... I .... I...I.. don't know"
She felt Greyson's body above hers. Taking her down on the bed with Arwen's arms in Greyson's grasp.

"You were sleeping outside when some goons came over to you. They were making noises and when I came to have a look," Greyson exclaimed. "They were undressing you. I beat them to death. You were all asleep so I picked you up and brought you here. I washed your blanket"

Greyson felt guilty for letting his wife sleep out there alone. He was upset with himself.

"I'm sorry for last night," He apologised. His cute face melt Arwen's heart.

"It's okay you were tempered yourself," Arwen said. Giving Greyson a smile.

Greyson held her waist and pulled her up. On his lap as he kissed her. Greyson changed his mind. He threw her out of the bed. Arwen shrieked. She was not feeling anymore energetic now. Her limbs weren't moving. But she made her best to move.
A little. She groaned.

"You would kiss anyone on bed. Now I get how big slut you are," Greyson scolded.
Arwen gasped. Again and again.

Greyson can never change.

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