Sweet Little Lies

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For once life has been created with it lies our truth.
Does it mean that I'll never be able to walk?
Jack stares at the ceiling fan until Matt disturbs his wonders. Just as the morning lights are brightly showing its path inside the room.
"I brought you something to eat," Matt unpacked the lunch box. Jack sat back, leaning on the pillow.
"How many more days till I get discharged?," Jack looked at Matt in his innocent face.
"Probably two more days," Matt replied calmly, giving Jack the food. "I guess"
Jack hesitated. This was actually not the perfect time to ask about Arwen but he had to know.
" So um where is Arwen?," Jack specified.
Matt narrowed his eyes. "Who is she?"
" You know. That girl from the ball" Matt seemed lost. "The girl who brought me to hospital"
Matt smirked. "You remember," He mocked. "She actually told me yesterday that she would come today to see if you're okay"
" Who gave her the right to come and see me? Because of her I almost died and now I can't even walk properly"
"Hey," Arwen shouted across the door. Standing there with a newspaper. "You can't walk because of your coward act" Arwen walked over to Jack. "Don't you dare talk about rights. It's my own life"
Jack gave a glare. But he saw something that maybe Matt haven't seen. Arwen had bruises on her neck.
Who would dare to hit her? Jack thought. Just about to ask when Matt spoke.
"What brings you here?"
Arwen removed her glare upon Jack and cooled her look to Matt.
"What this idiot just did came in the news," Arwen said. Showing Matt the newspaper.
Jack snatched the paper from Matt's hands and opened his eyes wide. All the pages were missing except this topic.
"I guess I'll go," Arwen sadly said and hid her bruises. With her hands covering. Jack noticed. But some part of him stopped him from saying anything to her.
As Arwen walked out of the patient's room, she started to weep. Tears falling down her cheeks and eyes gone blood.
She stopped and wiped off her tears, walking away her way out of the hospital.

A little whisper has a little meaning.
"Can't you be more intolerant?" Selene heard. Why on earth was this prince bothering her? She feels so uncomfortable with this but can't make a move to talk back.
She kept walking alongside the road, minding her own business. Prince was annoying her and then Victoria was leaving. Selene became devastated with Victoria leaving town.
"Well, do you need a lift?," Adam kindly asked. His car parked on the edge of the footpath.
Selene gave up tolerating Adam Prince and she came over to his car.
"Have it your way. I don't want to hear anything else coming out from that mouth," Selene stated.
Adam watched her glowing face. He had never felt so happy and joyful in his entire life but now. Bothering Selene was the best thing that he had ever wanted.
"No more of this cause' I ain't what you thing of me and you need to let go of stalking me. If I report to the police they will catch you," Selene pointed.
"So why didn't you do so?," Adam asked. His eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
Selene cleared her throat.
"Don't you dare follow me again"
Selene glared at him and stomped away. Look at her leave without knowing that she has killed him. Adam smirked. After all he was getting in Selene's heart. All that he needs is a little lie. And Selene would be his.

Everything was packed and Victoria was good to leave the house with her luggage. She was near the hallway when accidentally Selene caught her. Victoria was leaving without meeting Selene. Her best friend felt hurt. Victoria would never do that. But she did it.
"Did I come too early?," Selene asked. Her voice smooth and hiding the weep of her best friend leaving. Her eyes turning red as she glanced at the luggage.
Victoria looked at Selene, her eyes filled with tears. Just hiding them from Selene. But she can't stop it. They were living together for years and now Victoria just abandoned Selene. Victoria couldn't help it. She was getting weak each time leaving Selene alone. Heavy drops of tears fall from Victoria's cheeks. She ran to Selene and started to weep in her arms.
Selene weeping with her best friend, tightly in an embrace.
"I can't leave you," Victoria sobbed. " But I'll have to go"
"Don't worry we'll settle things over," Selene gave a hopeful reply. If this would help Victoria stop her weeping?
"My dad came and he wants to take me with him. I will be with my dad after eight years."
Selene wiped Victoria's tears off her face. She smiled. "Than you should probably go"
"It would be nice if you called me or just came to meet me in the city. I will be staying in the Victorian Hotel . My dad owns it," Victoria praised.
Selene laughed along with her. "I'm gonna miss you"
"Me too," Victoria said. But some part of Victoria did not regret leaving her best friend alone. Victoria was happy to leave and go run her own business.

Selene helped Victoria gather the luggage in the trunk. The old man waved to Selene from the drivers' seat. Selene waved back with a smile. Thinking that maybe Victoria's dad wouldn't want Victoria to not talk to Selene for her disrespect.
Victoria sat in the passengers' seat and waved Selene goodbye.
"Bye take care,"Selene passed on. Victoria ignored it and told the man to drive.
As he was driving, Victoria cleaned her face with towel.
"That was emotional," She said. " I almost had felt a bond of friendship"
The man kept driving in silent, looking at the road.
"God's sake Blad. Will you say something?," Victoria commanded.
" We are going to the Victorian Hotel," Blad replied. "My lady"

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