01: The Parker Family

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❞Family makes you weak❞

The 18-year-old - Kai Parker, was sitting on his bed with his eyes closed in deep concentration when he heard a noise downstairs. He furrowed his eyebrows, sighing deeply and opens the door of his room, right after he siphons the magic of the door.

''Yes I know, Elion. I am gonna take care of it.'' Joshua Parker said in a hushed tone.

''If they come here, we will need to act quickly, Joshua.'' Another person said in a hushed tone.

Kai tilt, his head in confusion. They? Who, are they? He goes down, the stairs and sees a man in his 30s. The man looked at him and mediately shuts up. Joshua looks behind him and sees Kai, and glares at him angrily.

The man - Elion, looks at the boy, with pity, ''I am gonna go, Joshua. It's getting late, we continue our conversion, tomorrow.''

Joshua snaps out of his anger, ''Yes, we talk tomorrow. Goodnight, Elion.''

Elion nods and starts walking towards the door. He opens the door and gets out but not before looking at, Kai for a second.

Joshua glares at, the boy in front of him with rage. ''What, are you doing outside your room, boy? Why, are you not wearing your gloves?''.

Kai looks at him with disgust, ''I am not a prisoner, Joshua. I can get out, whatever I want.''. The hate, towards his father, is getting bigger and bigger every day. ''I won't wear these gloves, because, with them, I can not practice.''

''You dare disobey, ME? Go inside your, room...now, Malachai!'' Joshua shouts in his face. ''What, did I tell you about the magic? You, won't siphon it!''.

Kai looks at his father, angrily ''You can't tell me, what to do. I am 18 years old! I can do whatever I want.''. 

Kai hated when people called him 'Malachai'. He looked at him and then the table and chants ''Motus''. But, his father was faster and stopped it before it hit him.

Joshua looked at him and starts chanting ''How dare you, boy? You, think that these little tricks will work on me? I am the Leader of this coven and you dare, to do something like this?''

Kai screams and falls on his knees, blood falls from his nose ''Ugh,''. 

He was not the most experience when it comes, to magic because of his father. Joshua makes sure that he will not be close to anything with magic. His powers for Joshua were a threat. Joshua's and the other Leaders were thinking that his power will be a threat to the whole world, not just for the coven.

''Stupid, boy....this is why you will not be the Leader of the coven, never! You are impulsive and that will be you, doom'' Joshua shakes his head.

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