02: Original Twins

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[Not Edited ]


❞If you're going through hell, keep going.❞

Joshua looks at his daughter fearfully, while Kai rolled his eyes. Alisun and Mieczysław smirking slightly.

''Josette go into your room, now. I will come to see you in a minute.'' Joshua said calmly, but on the inside was scared.

Jo looked confused and dumbfounded, ''In my room? But you said we, were going to the meeting of the coven, right?''. Josette laughs a little and her eyes trail on the newcomers, ''Who are they, dad?''.

Kai glares at his twin, ''None of your business, Josette. They are here for me, anyway.''.

''What is wrong with you, Malachai? Why are you soo rude, to me?'' Jo looks hurt.

''Don't call me like that! How, many times do I tell you, that it is, Kai.'' Kai looks at his sister unaffected by her sad face.

''Nobody, Jo, in your room-'' Joshua was cut off by Alisun before he continues.

''Why the rush, Parker? We won't touch her....unless she tells us too.'' Alisun winks at Josette.

Jo blushes and looks at the ground. Her father's eyes widen when he sees that.

''My sister is right. I don't personally like human contact....soo don't worry, your daughter is safe with us. It is not like we are gonna kill her or something.'' Stiles chuckles while rolling his eyes.

Josette giggles a little, at that. How, stupid can she truly be? She thought that it was a joke, but the Mischief was not joking at all. He was serious...deadly serious.

Joshua glares at the twins, ''Go in your room, now!''. Josette jumps slightly at her father's tone.

Alisun smirks a little, ''Come on, don't send her in her room. How old is she? 7 years old? Kai is her twin, soo that means she is 18. Calm yourself, we don't bite....much.''.

Mieczysław tilts his head glaring at the oldest Parker. He did not like him at all. The only reason, he is alive is because they needed to merge. If they killed him now, that means that the whole coven dies with him too. The twins had better plans for, him. Dead is too easy, for him.

''I am, Mieczysław but call me Stiles, I know my name is kinda long or you could call me, Mischief. This is my twin, Alisun.'' Mischief smiled in amusement.

Josette widens her eyes when he smiled, even tho it was a weird smile and looked kinda creepy she liked it. Especially, his blue-dyed hair. She thought it looked amazing. His twin - Alisun, also was, beautiful, with her blue eyes and blond hair.

''Josette Parker, a pleasure to meet you, both. Wait....are you guys, um-...'' Jo smiled widely.

''Ooo, the pleasure is all ours, believe me'' Alisun smirks tilting her head a little.

Mieczysław in that moment chants a spell ''Incendia'', a fire shows up from his fingers for a moment before it vanishes.

 Alisun extends her hand and takes a notebook from the ground, ''Phasmatos Oculacs.''. A rose shows in the place of the notebook and the rose turns into a cloud of dust after that.

Josette giggles a little ''Wow, you guys are powerful. I can feel it...that- that was amazing.''.

The Mikaelson twins smirk and they intertwine their hands and sparks start coming from their hands. Their, eyes glow bright blue for a second, and they let go of each other.

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