03: Sibling Rivalry

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[Not Edited ]


❞Your words cease to have meaning❞

They were still in Kai's room, talking about their past. He would not admit it - for now, but Kai actually, enjoyed it. The Mikaelson twins were, charming and captivating. His eyes were on Stiles, most of the time. For him, he was - sarcastic, witty even more his deep voice and accent were hypnotizing. 

Mieczysław and Alisun were, different than most people he met. It was not just because they didn't judge him or because they were in no position to judge others. Kai for the first time in his life felt.....What did he feel? Understood. Yes, he felt understood and wanted. His family didn't want him, didn't need him, they wanted him dead. The twins were very close, more close than he thought. 

''We can teach you magic, Kai. Your 'family' has no idea, what magic really is.'' Alisun rolled her eyes.

''You would? Really? But, from where I am supposed to siphon, magic? I don't have a magic of my own.'' Kai sigh loudly.

Stiles shook his head, ''Yes, we would. About the magic, don't think about it. We will give you stuff you can siphon from.'' He pulls out a dagger from his jacket.

Kai smirks, ''Which, one of you will teach me?'' he bit his lip eyeing the dagger that, Mischief pulled out.

''Both of us. Magic was really easy for us when we were learning. First, it will be, me!'' Alisun claps excitedly.

Mischief smiled at his sister and handed the dagger to Kai. Kai touches the dagger and siphons it from it.

''Wow, this is a lot of magic. I feel even more from it. What kinda dagger is this?'' Kai looks dumbfounded. 

Alisun looks at the dagger with angrily, ''Silver dagger. This is the only weapon against an Original. It kills them temporarily. Nothing can truly kill an Original. Only, a tree that our siblings made sure burned. It doesn't work on us tho. We can not be killed at all.''.

''This dagger specifically, I created. Once, it gets siphon from all the magic it gets restored. Witches won't allow, something truly, immortal. That is why they created these daggers so they can be used against, our siblings. They tried making one for us too but they didn't succeed. I and Alisun are, immortal and nothing can truly kill us- even hurt us. We don't even bleed.'' Stiles takes out another dagger and tries to stab himself, but it gets melts and turns into ashes even before it gets close enough.

Kai looks amazed. How is that even possible? Something truly immortal that nobody can hurt or kill.

Kai laughs a little, ''Wow, that must be weird. Nothing can kill you, either hurt you? How- How is that even possible?''.

Alisun shrugs a little, ''It is very possible. Many have tried to hurt or kill us, but they didn't succeed. Even us....and nothing.''.

''Alright, let's do some magic! Shall, we?'' Mischief sits on the ground and a map appears in front of him.

Alisun and Kai also sit on the ground in front of the map. Kai looks excited, to finally learn magic after 18 years. Alisun creates a ball and shows it to Kai. He looks amazed and confused, how exactly she did that. This is the second time that she did this. Creating something.

Kai looks at the ball then the twins, ''How did- Is this one of your powers? Just creating stuff?''.

The twins nod slowly while smirking at him. They could create whatever they think of. If they think of something it becomes real. They just need, to use their imagination and brain. The mind is a powerful thing. 

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