07: New faces and more

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[Not Edited]


❞The truth sometimes is not what we need.❞

After the kiss and finding out about his so-called look-alike descendant, Kai has been trying to avoid Mieczysław....again. Even tho he knew now what exactly is stopping the bond to be stronger he didn't want to go too fast. Avoiding Stiles has been easy because he had to go to school. The high school that Kai was going to was nice...for his twin sister at least. Josette was popular and had many friends, plus everyone loved her. Kai would graduate in less than two months and finally will get rid of it. But his twin and his other siblings would stay...unfortunately.

One of his 'friends' turned to him, ''Kai? Hey, are you there? What are you thinking about that you can't hear me?'' he waved his hand in front of his face.

Kai scowled, ''I can hear you very well Alex. No need to scream in my face, thank you.'' he rolled his eyes.

His other 'friend' snorted a little, ''Leave him alone Alex. Don't you see that he is thinking about one of his special 'friends'? A girl or a guy? With you I never know.'' he narrowed his eyes.

''I don't have a special 'friend', Jake.'' he scrunches his nose, ''Even if I had you would be the last person who I would have told.'' Kai rolled his eyes for the millioned time. But for just a second his mind wondered to Stiles, but he shook his head. He didn't want to admit it for now but he was missing him a little.

Alex smirked a little, ''If you say so Malachai.'' he teased him and laughed loudly.

Jake widens his eyes because he knew that he did not like being called like that, ''Hey boys lets stop before someone gets hu--'' he was cut off by Kai who shouted.

''Don't call me like that'' he growled and clench his hand ready to punch him. One thing you never do and that is to call him like that. He hated that name. 

''Hey, I was joking...chill a little.'' he gulped and shivered when he saw the dark look Kai gave him. Everyone was afraid of him and did not want any trouble with him. Once he almost killed a teacher who said his full name. Kai might not be popular like his twin sister but everyone knew enough to stay away from him.

Kai took a step closer to him, ''Chill? Don't call me that ever again....understood?!'' he tilted his head smiling menacingly to him.

Jake goes in the middle of them, ''Kai calm down, you don't wanna be kicked out, right? Alex was just joking that is all.'' he smiled nervously.

Alex was gonna say something but got distracted by something...or should I say, someone. The most beautiful people he has ever seen in his entire life were at the parking. It was not just him that was staring at them, it was the whole school. The girls started gossiping about them by talking to each other and giggling. Even the boys were talking about them and drolling a little.

Jake looked confused at Alex because he shuts up and he never shuts up. His eyes go to the direction that he was looking at and widened his eyes when he saw them. The Original twins looking at the high school bored. Kai tilts his head furrowing his eyebrows. He wondered what got them to shut up for more than a few seconds. He also looks at the direction they were both watching and his breath hitch a little. Kai was shocked to see them in his school. The twins have never come to his school. 

Alex moaned a little, ''Who are they? The girl is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I am not into guys but this boy....wow.'' he smirked a little still in a daze.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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