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Blue and Fell landed outside in the snow, causing a few monsters to turn and look at them strangely. Blue looked around worriedly before an arm grabbed him and pulled him quickly out of Snowdin Town. Blue looked forward and saw Fell running like hell as sweat dripped of his skull. Blue started to sweat as well.

Fell pulled Blue out of town and into the forest, quickly dodging tree after tree. It was only after he reached a steep drop that he stopped. He let go of Blue's hand and started to huff. Blue watched as he gasped for breath, slowly calming down. Then he spoke up.

"Uhm, other me, not to be rude but, why didn't you teleport us here instead of running?" Fell turned around slowly to face Blue while still panting.

"That teleport out of the house really killed me.. I don't have a lot of strength left, and I could run here and use less energy than if I were to teleport."

Blue tilted his head in confusion. "But Papy teleports all the time and he never runs out of energy! What were you doing that caused you to become so tired?"

Fell looked at Blue nervously. What was he supposed to say, that he had received a beating from his brother and had passed out on the floor?

"I had gotten into a fight with one of the monsters here and they did some pretty good damage."

Blue looked concerned. "Why would you fight anyone? What did they do to you, or vice versa?"

Fell sighed. "Welcome to Underfell. Here, everyone wants to kill you and you want to kill everyone. That's how it is, that's how it's always been! Where have you been all this time, under a rock?!" Fell's voice rose with every sentence spoken causing Blue to step back a bit. He then looked down at the snow and shuffled his feet. He messed with his gloves as he spoke.

"I don't live here. Not in this Snowdin, not in Underfell. I don't know how or why, but I was brought here from my universe, Underswap."

Fell's eyes widened. "Really? That's amazing." Blue chuckled. "Yeah, I suppose it is. Everyone there was really nice and welcoming. No one has to worry about being attacked unless a human shows up. Muffet's is a nice place as well, Papy and I go there sometimes, but it's normally just him. And Alphys trains me to be in the Royal Guard, which is really nice of her." Blue stopped and looked up to see Fell grasping the bottom of his jacket tightly while looking down, trembling only slightly, though it was still enough for Blue to notice.

"Hey, other me, what's wrong? Is everything okay-"

"It must be nice." Fell's voice cut through the air, steely and cold, showing no signs of positive feelings whatsoever. "Having a place where no one wants to kill you. A brother that doesn't beat the shit outta you. People who actually care about you." Fell's voice broke on the last sentence causing a few tears to stream down his face. Blue saw this and rushed forward, wrapping his arms around Fell in a comforting manner.

"Hey! Don't cry, it's okay! Don't feel bad, I'm sorry if I said something to make you feel like this! Please calm down, I'm sorry!"

Fell slowly started to stop trembling and the tears stopped flowing, yet he made no attempt to wipe the rest away. He released the grip on his jacket and brushed Blue off. "Thanks I guess." He then threw back his head and sighed. "Man, I haven't had a breakdown like that in years. Guess I just needed someone to talk to who'd actually listen."

Blue smiled. "Well, I'll always be here to listen, so don't feel like you have to stay bottled up!"

Fell chuckled half heartedly at that and sat down, legs dangling over the edge of the cliff. Blue decided to sit next to him and looked at the view. It was a steep drop that went to a further and thicker part of the forest below. He looked ahead and saw snow covered trees for miles. It was a pretty sight, with soft snowflakes falling down. One landed on his nose and he watched intently as it melted away.

Fell watched the trees looking for the ground below. However, it was so far down and covered in snow covered trees that it was impossible to see. He sighed and placed his head in his hands, closing his eyes. He sat like that for a few seconds before something cold and slightly wet hit his face. His eyes shot open as he felt the snow that hit him. He turned his head, eye magic flaring, towards the laughing skeleton in front of him. He got up slowly and spoke in a low voice.

"I see then. Well then, let the battle begin." A few snowballs rose around him as he launched his attack towards Blue. He opened his eyes to see the five snowballs coming for him and quickly ducked out of the way. He then shot up and threw another snowball at Fell, who also dove down.

They continued to run around like that for an hour, both laughing and getting mad at each other and then laughing again. Eventually they collapsed on the ground next to each other, panting. Blue was smiling widely. "I haven't had that much fun in a while!"

Fell glanced over at him, out of breath. Blue was looking at the sky, his eye lights changed from his regular blue eye lights to big blue stars. He looked truly blissful, and Fell realized that he felt the same way. He couldn't get his goofy grin off his face, and it kind of annoyed him, but he accepted it for the feeling he was getting.





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